When do you think they will get Covid 19 under  Control and how??

2020-07-14 3:33 pm

回答 (7)

2020-07-14 3:41 pm
As soon as people stop being selfish and start acting responsibly. 

So not anytime soon. 
2020-07-14 3:40 pm
Not for americans. Other countries have
2020-07-14 4:28 pm
After Trump's a$$ is kicked the hell out of the White House, there might be a chance.  I'm not sure how, yet.  Ask Biden or Fauci.
2020-07-14 3:48 pm
it's here to stay unfortunately
2020-07-14 3:38 pm
For me it's already over I ain't even tripping on it lol
2020-07-14 3:35 pm
When everyone in America is dead. Then it will definitely be under control.
2020-07-14 3:37 pm
A vaccine. Until then, forever. Thanks CHINA!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:02:56
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