You agree we are all slaves since the time of Moses?

2020-07-14 5:43 am
Deuteronomy 5:15 Five times, Moses says to the people, "Remember that you were slaves in Egypt." Don't forget where you came from. Don't forget that you yourselves were oppressed, that for three hundred years you had no freedom to come and go, no freedom to choose your work, no freedom to worship God as he commanded. This became the basis for ethics in the Promised Land. When you think of how you will treat the powerless in your own country--the fatherless, the widows, and the foreigners who come to your country to work because the economy in their own countries is so poor--remember that you were slaves yourselves in Egypt. 
Should we be reminded of our very beginning that we are once SLAVES in Egypt??

回答 (9)

2020-07-14 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are descended from one of the 12 tribes of Israel, yes, your ancestors were. 
2020-07-14 5:43 am
No, I don't agree.  Moses is a real as Gandalf.  He never actually existed.
This is just more meaningless drivel from Earth's silliest cult book.
2020-07-14 5:49 am
Moses never existed so its moot.
2020-07-14 7:13 am
Only if you're a Hebrew from one of the twelve original tribes.
2020-07-14 7:07 am
John 8:33.  They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" 
2020-07-14 6:08 am
When Moses was talking to the people, he was talking to the Hebrew people. Since I am not Hebrew nor was my ancestors, none of us were slaves in Egypt.
2020-07-14 5:45 am
Which People was Moses talking to, the Israelites

that is not all of us, and that was then
2020-12-23 2:28 pm
How could they have been slaves in Egypt when they were free to go in and out of Egypt. The bible is a book of massive nonsense and mostly horrible impositions of stories about persons who never existed. Yes folks, you gotta be pretty damn gullible to believe that book.
2020-07-14 7:02 am
Nope.  Never been in Egypt and I'm Greek.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian

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