請問 How many candies do you have?I have more candies than yours.  這句有甚麼錯?

2020-07-12 1:03 pm

回答 (3)

2020-07-13 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
我猜你問的是I have more candies than yours. 這句有什麼錯。
文法上, than可以是連接詞(and, or)或介詞(in, before, 等等). 假如當連接詞, 兩邊必須是對等的. 左邊是句字, 右邊也是句字, 像toming88已經指出,I have more candies than you have (candies).從這個Wiki(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Than), 文法學家認為than是連結詞. 在當代英語, than也可以當介詞. 這有時會造成語意上的模糊. 比如說, John likes you more than Jack. 這可以是John和Jack都喜歡你, 但John喜歡你多一點 (John likes you more than Jack likes you). 另一個語意是John喜歡你和Jack, 但John喜歡你多一點(John likes you more than John likes Jack). 你可看出比較的東西是不同的. 當語意不會造成誤會時, 表達上很清楚, 把than當成介詞使用沒什麼問題. I have more candies than yours是可以的, 最少在口語的表達上, 聽的人很明顯知道你要說什麼. 但當語意有模糊地帶時, 最好是把than當成連結詞. 考試時或和很重試英文文法的人講話時, 應該還是回到正統, 把than當成連結詞: I have more candies than you have.
2020-07-12 6:02 pm
I have 6 candies;while you've 5.
I have one more candies than you do.
(not yours)
"yours" is pronoun possesive
=This 5 candies is yours
=your possession.
Not you have=I have; not yours.
ie:-I have more candles than you "do".
=used instead of another verb(have);
ie:-You have candles, and so do I=(have I)
2020-07-12 9:58 pm
它的錯誤是在 "答非所問".也就是"回答錯問題".


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