Republicans, do you REALLY believe Democrats "hate" and want to "destroy" America?

2020-07-10 7:24 am
I'm a democrat, and I love America.  I just have different ideas about how to run it than Republicans do.  I think everyone should be represented by a vote, people should be able to marry who they want, worship however they want, etc.  Do none of you have democrat friends, that you see NOT destroying America?  Are you just swallowing the Faux News kool-aid?

回答 (15)

2020-07-10 7:29 am
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It’s just what they have been given by rightwing pundits for decades. Conservative media and politicians have long pushed the idea that you had to be a racist in order to be patriotic.
2020-07-10 7:28 am
Well, Obama tried his hardest to destroy America. And the far left is DEFINITELY trying to destroy everything that does not follow their agenda.
2020-07-10 7:38 am
No. They know better. They love to say those things about blacks to demonize while demeaning.
2020-07-10 7:27 am
Right wing terrorists are the ones who hate the USA and want to start a war. That is why they go out and shoot people randomly, thinking that it would bring chaos.
2020-07-10 7:36 am
All of you, NO. 

The issue is that the people taking over the left are INSANE and want to DESTROY the US. 

A thinking person can PRAISE the protests AND CONDEMN the riots.---- that is what I expect you to do. 

A thinking person can say ALL lives matter and say black lives matter and not think those contradict.
---- that is what I expect you to do.

A thinking person can condemn the police officers who abuse their power AND praise the service that police do.
---- that is what I expect you to do.

A thinking person can vehemently defend free speech, WHILE using their own free speech to attack racism, sexism, and general bigotry. 
---- that is what I expect you to do.

As a person who was considered on the far left 20 years ago, I am now an outsider, because the Democrats pushed me out, not because my view changed. 

What I am seeing is that the out-spoken portion of your party are shouting for destruction of the US. What I am not seeing is YOU FIGHTING BACK. 

No, instead you would rather fight me over Trump's tweets?? I don't care about Trump's tweets, I like we aren't at war. I don't care about his tweets, I like gay marriage is not being overturned. I am not talking about destruction of YOUR key principles, THEY ARE. So why are you fighting me?

You really want to tell me that the "important" fight is making sure a doctor can bash in the brains of a baby as it is coming down the birth canal, because 6 months to get an abortion is not enough????? That's important?

I think the largest corporations to have ever existed deciding that they can censor whoever they want based upon whatever rules they think of and change their rules in a heart beat is IMPORTANT TO FIGHT.  

You think that giving a transgender person with a 40% suicide rate a MACHINE GUN to go to war is important??? Really? Maybe work on their suicide rate and get that down first??? 
2020-07-10 7:28 am
No, I don't believe that.  My father was a democrat and he was a good person.
2020-07-10 7:38 am
Yeah your BS is what we like to see. It proves the point of how much of a moron you are. Marry who want perhaps your pet dog. Worship who you want Satan has a place for you.Destroying other's property looting leads to shootin we love that second amendment that's why it there. America has values and you may not believe in God that's your right. But our country was founded on his principles a good place to start. So you believe in what you want. And it sounds like you got a fight comin. 
2020-07-10 7:31 am
You are not, the majority of dem are not evil, but they are led by a radical leftist minority that determines to destroy USA & kill millions of people. That’s for sure.

You are what Lenin said: “ useful idiots” for the left.

This election is different than all elections. It’s the tipping point of no return.
2020-07-10 7:28 am
Democrats want the unemployment sky high and are hoping lots of Americans dies from coronavirus so they can blame Trump.

They want what is worst for America.
2020-07-10 7:28 am
I think many people want to benefit from what this country has to offer and they enjoy its infrastructure. But that’s it. They have no intention of giving back.
2020-07-10 7:26 am
Hellz yeah. Did my truck nuts stutter?
2020-07-10 7:27 am
We see them destroying the country every day, ripping down statues and waving communist flags 
2020-07-10 7:32 am
Some of the things you want are not OK with God
2020-07-10 8:02 am
In addition to all thing things your think people should be able to do, which I and conservatives agree with you on;  I think everyone should buy their own stuff, and pay their own way, and be able to keep more of what they earn.
2020-07-10 7:39 am
Actually, no. I believe that PROGRESSIVES hate America. I believe that the Democrats who are NOT Progressives have let the progressives take over the party. If you don't want the BLM, respect-my-pronouns, social-media-censoring, Islam-loving, pedo-defending, racist, sexist garbage scows representing your party, you really should start pushing back. I don't know. Maybe a #Progsgofuckyourselves or something. I doubt it's going to help you THIS election but maybe in the next 4 years you can make your party respectable again.

You think EVERYONE should be represented by a vote? Is that about getting rid of the E.C. or just about letting felons and prisoners and illegal aliens and, hell, people from other countries vote? Marry whom you want? Well, if they're consensual adults, I agree. I'm a big fan of gay people having rights. Such as the right to LIVE which is why I don't go around defending Islam. B/c I know about basic demographic warfare. It may sound impressive but it's so simple that a 5 year old could understand it. It's why you don't want 55% of the American populace to be in the Klan. I almost added "or MS-13" but then I thought "Nah, he might think they're just misunderstood.

Worship however you want? Well, the problem is that if I have a religion that says that:
Only my religion's members get to vote
Only straights get to marry
Only my religion's people get religious freedom

And we have lots of  babies, then everything you claim to support... is screwed. Magic paper won't stop it from happening. Like you said, 'everyone should have a vote' (or close to that), well, if we outnumber you, then we call the shots. Suddenly, you have no rights. WE do but not you. B/c you weren't interested in getting into a breeding war and b/c you were all like "Can't we all get along? Peace, love and understanding, man!" and you wouldn't look at simple realities like... the number of THESE people v. the number of THOSE people is really very important. Diversity is NOT automatically 'strength'. I couldn't care less about race but BELIEF SYSTEMS are very important.

I DO have Democrat friends and PROGRESSIVE friends. And I argue with them b/c I think they don't know what they're doing. I also think that they hate America and the more they get into the progressive ideology, the more they will hate America.

'Faux News kool-aid'? Clever but still, you're admitting that you think the idea of 'fake news' is a valid idea. You may not think it's a GOOD thing but you think it's a REAL thing, it's something that can happen, that can exist. Well, I have to say that I've seen the Lefty media lie so often that I now don't even bother fact checking it. I just assume it's BS. Also, I never watched Fox news until just recently (last few months) when I started watching the occasional Tucker Carlson video. I've been disgusted with the Left since Obama's first term and not b/c of Obama. I was glad we had a black president BUT some other stuff happened and I stopped trusting the Left.

And before I go, YOU are free to post any zany progressive meme you want. I, on the other hand, have to second guess myself before posting the mildest push back under my real name b/c I don't want to get fired. The progressives have become a force much like Hitler Youth. What you have going on now is the Lefty version of McCarthyism.

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