Are there any safety hazards  of forgetting to turn the oven off all night (11 hours) it was on 375 please respond quick.?

2020-07-09 7:32 pm

回答 (16)

2020-07-09 8:31 pm
Yes.  You'll probably die of a heart attack when you get your electricity bill.
2020-07-09 7:35 pm
Not really. A self cleaning oven rises to about 700 degrees for three hours or more. The only concern is the amount of electricity or gas that has been wasted for that length of time.
2020-07-09 11:27 pm
Well, if your alive, I guess it didn't matter.
2020-07-10 4:51 am
You will notice it in your next utility bill. It will be higher.
2020-07-09 11:35 pm
Clearly it hasn't caught fire, or you wouldn't be asking here. The only damage is to your utility bill.
2020-07-10 3:59 am
You just waster a lot of gas or electric, that's about all.
2020-07-10 3:42 am
unless you had food in it, no harm
2020-07-10 12:46 am
no safety hazards.  just higher electric bills
2020-07-09 11:04 pm
carbon monoxide if a gas stove could build up, that is why stoves are no longer recommended as a secondary heat source during emergencies. There is always the potential of a fire whenever using a stove if not being attended.
2020-07-12 2:23 pm
WHAT? YOU DIDN'T GOOGLE IT!? If something in another universe needed cooking in your oven for 11 hours would you freak out at 11 hours? Wait....your not baking, wink wink, fireworks, right? It's called an oven. 
2020-07-10 10:18 pm
Unless there was something inside no.
  I have used my gas oven to heat the house up during power outages
2020-07-09 8:03 pm
If the thermostat is set at 375, then it's most likely been turning itself on and off all night hasn't it?
2020-07-12 12:47 am
We have a fairly fancy stove and I think it shuts down after X number of hours.  The lights do go off after a period of time.  It would also notify you, if we had that feature activated.
2020-07-09 11:37 pm
If the oven is operating anywhere close to properly, the only POTENTIAL safety issue is carbon monoxide. If your oven is producing enough CO to be a problem, you probably wouldn't have woke up.
2020-07-09 8:25 pm
Should be fine. I used to cook Thanksgiving turkey all night at 200 degrees. BIG turkey. Like 25 lbs.
2020-07-11 10:14 am
You're fine. I leave my oven on all the time so all the pets I keep in there stay warm.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 23:30:33
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