Why do girls immediately walk away when they see approaching them?

2020-07-08 2:13 pm

回答 (4)

2020-07-08 3:34 pm
Do you have a serial killer smile?  It’s similar to the rape smile but less sinister than the smile that says “i’m going to kill Batman!”
2020-07-08 2:32 pm
Everyone is constantly expressing the contents of their true personality - their subconscious patterns - through unintentional subtle cues.  Body language, posture, etc.

And everyone is constantly "reading" other people's cues on a subconscious level. This is what "gut-feelings" are about.

If people who do not know you are turning away, you probably have a lot of repressed anger or self-hatred and they are reading that. If they KNOW you and are turning away, it is about what they actually know about you that turns them off.
2020-07-08 2:15 pm
 In your case it may be that they are intentionally avoiding you. Why that is only you can and need to figure out!
2020-07-08 2:14 pm
Whatever it is, they're trying to avoid it...

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