Six trigonometric functions?

2020-07-06 1:07 pm
How do I get the value of θ ?
I got six trigonometric functions, but I am strangling with finding the value of θ. I think it is 292.62° (-67.38°.) I am not sure it is right. Could you teach me?
Also, if you can, please find six trigonometric functions. I would like to check my answers.

回答 (1)

2020-07-06 6:22 pm
Since tanθ < 0 and cosθ > 0, θ is in the fourth quadrant.

sinθ = -12/√(12² + 5²)
sinθ = -12/13

cosθ = 5/√(12² + 5²)
cosθ = 5/13

cotθ = 1/tanθ
cotθ = -5/12

secθ = 1/cosθ
secθ = 13/5

cscθ = 1/sinθ
cscθ = -13/12

Since θ is in the fourth quadrant and tanθ = -12/5
θ = 360° - tan⁻¹(12/5)
θ = 360° - 67.4°
θ = 292.6°

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