Can I ask Jehovah's witnesses a question about perfect mental health in the New System?

2020-07-06 10:07 am
I heard that in the new system everyone will be in perfect mental health and there will be no more depression. However, isn't it possible that a person could still get depressed if they don't like something Jehovah's says?

For example, I heard that in the New System, there are going to be new Scrolls opened and new rules that were going to have to follow. Isn't it possible that a person could get depressed if they don't like some of those new rules?

Also, in the New System, wives are still going to have to be in subjection to their husbands. Isn't it possible that a wife could get depressed if she has to be in subjection to her husband about something and she doesn't like it?

回答 (5)

2020-07-06 8:48 pm
God's word states that there will be many who are resurrected, who will repel along side Satan and the end of the 1000 years. 

But he also assures us: 

(Psalm 145:16) 16 You [Jehovah] open your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing.  

This is one of the promises those who are alive after the 1,000 years will experience.
2020-07-06 3:08 pm
We don't know exactly how it will be, but God has promised happiness to all. Let's trust him!
2020-07-08 6:00 am
In today's world, depression stems from stress of all kinds. Remember, we live in a world where the majority of people are dangerous and violent, due to the fact that the world is under the influence of Satan the Devil.  As we grow towards perfection in God's new world, we wont' be inundated with satanic influence from satan because he will be abyssed and peace will reign on the earth...there will be joy and happiness that many hadn't experienced for years, we wont have time to be depressed. imo.
I love Jehovah, and I'll gladly go whatever he says, even today, it's a struggle,but not impossible because I know that our Heavenly Father has only the best intentions when it comes to us.
I look forward to life in a peaceful new world, and hope that Jehovah finds we worthy of being a resident.
2020-07-06 10:59 am
Would you ask a Hindu about mental health?
Would you ask a Jainist about mental health?
Would you ask a non believer about mental health?
Or, would you ask a mental health expert about mental health?
2020-07-06 10:14 am
It’s a cult. It teaches lunacy. Stay away 

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