Easiest route to being certified as a Math Teacher?

2020-07-06 5:56 am
I have over 33 years of experience teaching, in some capacity or another. I have 13 years in a school district setting. I have had 10 years of experience as a substitute teacher, and six months as a long term substitute teacher. I have not tried teaching full time sooner, because of my home life. I am a divorced mother of three who has been raising my kids alone, since the youngest was about 2 years old. One of my kids has severe special needs. I am in the position now that they are older, and are all going off to college to pursue my career goals. I have a Bachelor's Degree. I would like to get a job as a teacher, but I feel I need training. I learn best by being shown how to do something, instead of being handed a book and saying just do it. I need to know how to use the updated technology teachers use, how to give and evaluate the assessments and tests that teachers give to their students, and how to how to create an effective lesson plan.

回答 (4)

2020-08-15 8:30 pm
There's no single perfect method to teach. It depends on the class response. No matter what kind of effective lesson plan you prepare, you have to adapt it based on the response of students. 

Once you start teaching, you gain experience and improvise.
2020-07-07 3:35 pm
What is your degree in? Most states have special programs for licensure of math teachers, because there's a great need. You can be hired, and then take a few years to take the required courses for licensure. Or you can apply to private schools, where you don't need to be licensed. As for the other things, there are resources online, and other teachers in the school will help you. Math teachers make a great deal of use of "smart boards" where they can write and solve problems or have students solve problems, and then save the proofs for students to access later. There are also a lot of lesson plans online. You might want to look up the "Flip the Lesson" sources and YouTube videos about having students look at videos for the theory, and then working problems in class while the teacher helps. 
2020-07-06 6:29 am
seems,  to  me,  students  can  teach  instructors  much  more  effectively.  btw … you  stated  all  your  kids  have  gone  off  to  college … does  this  include  your  special-needs  prodigy?
2020-07-06 6:08 am
Have you considered Adult Ed?  You are similar to a special ed teacher, but for older people, some of whom have impediments, others just need a GED.  You can start work while taking courses toward your credential.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:52:49
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