Satan decoded: " The Beast rise out of the sea , its head has 10 horns " is it possible to refer to:" The Statue of Liberty ??

2020-07-04 1:01 pm

回答 (8)

2020-07-04 2:44 pm
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Obviously, of course.

Rev 13:1 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

Most people are unaware of the origins of the Statute of Liberty before it was cleaned up and put on a pedestal in NY Harbor.  The documentary clip below, narrated by Charlton Heston, provides insight.  )Those three other horns on the back of its head are always hard to see.)  Good question.
2020-07-04 6:23 pm
i personally had a vision in front of my eyes as i asked what is babylon. so as i saw the statue of liberty, i first thought it was new york. but later i realized babylon is not just one city, its the whole society. and knowing the statue was a gift from france it does not mean that the united states is babylon. its the wickedness of the whole world and those that follow satan
2020-07-04 2:59 pm
Not even close, no cigar this time. Try again later. 

Seven heads and ten crowns missing.
2020-11-30 11:39 am
The BEAST with 7 heads prefers Buddism. The Buddha was the Messiah of Satan ( seven heads snake )
2020-07-04 8:45 pm
French revolution.
2020-07-04 3:52 pm
There are twelve spikes on the crown of the Statue of Liberty, however the symbolism isn’t lost on those of us who study scripture.  

The US wants the world to worship them, even though they deny it.
2020-07-04 1:04 pm
Yes. The world ended in 1886. Hahaha

Oh man you theists crack me up. On no the big bad anti-christ is going to get us. Oh woe oh my. Haha and the best part is you actually believe this stuff.
2020-07-04 8:08 pm
A person can battle the devil and his demons using the rosary and fasting.  The Virgin Mary is Star of the Sea.  Mary is the only creature more powerful than all the forces of hell combined.  It is good to consecrate one's entire life to Mary and to make the life offering to her which can be found online.

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