Why do Nicolaitan Christians continue to disobey the Word of God and think everything is fine with their souls?

2020-07-04 8:04 am
They disobey:

Rom_16:17  Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

Which Plainly and Clearly teaches to avoid such people as Atheists, yet these Goat Christians keep on engaging them into conversations, keeping them coming back to this Religion and Spiritual Forum, to bash, belittle, put down, debate, mock, and what have you.

Why do these Typical Christians keep on disobey the Word of God?

回答 (4)

2020-07-04 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
cause they dont really believe in god
2020-08-18 6:41 pm
I actually pick Trump he thinks he can lie his way out of a bag of rocks.
and thinks that no one will notice.
2020-07-04 8:06 am
theyre just so cute and irresistable ..
2020-07-04 8:06 am
Old Nicolation 

Old Nick 


It’s Satan !!!!

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