Which supermarkets sell the Bible? ?

2020-07-03 1:09 am

回答 (6)

2020-07-03 4:27 pm
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If you're interested, you can read it online here: https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/
2020-07-03 1:11 am
Any store that sells books would sell the Bible.
2020-07-03 3:30 am
go to the Jw web site and they give away a very modern translation of the bible.  At that web site they read it to you.  Send it to you or take it to you.  All free.  www.jw.org
2020-07-03 1:56 am
You can visit JW.ORG for a bible to read online.  New World Translation. 
2020-07-03 1:18 am
Check your app store, they are usually free.
2020-07-03 1:12 am
Go to Greg's Food City on the corner of Main and Wesson.

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