How to get a first time credit card?

2020-07-02 2:26 am
I've never had a credit card before. I'd like one just so that I can build credit history and make my life easier in the future. I'm 23. I've got a steady income and no credit history at all. I've never owed money and I've never come close to having nothing in my bank. I've got over £10k in my savings account.

I tried applying for one today, however it was rejected at the soft check. I figure it's probably because I have no credit history. I've looked on comparison sites and none of them can find me a credit card that I would be eligible for.

I asked my bank for any options I have to try to improve my chances of getting a credit card, however the customer support couldn't give me anything they deemed as financial support. All they did was tell me that paying off an overdraft improves credit scores, however I somehow feel doubtful that will be enough.

But what do I know? Honestly to me the whole thing makes my head spin.
I can't seem to get my head around the logic that spending more than I have and then paying it off is better than never spending more than I have and having a lot of money saved up. It just doesn't click with me and I would consider myself a pretty smart person.
So I'm going to look up on getting an overdraft now.

It leaves me wondering, how do I get credit history if I can't even get a credit card?
Or as the big question above says, how can I get my first time credit card?

Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.

Turns out I was eligible for a credit card. It was just a tad bit dumb and put in my monthly income instead of my yearly, resulting in it getting bounced. All is well in the world now, thanks for your help

回答 (8)

2020-07-02 2:29 am
first, you should get a 'secured' card, where you have that much in the bank, and work your way up from there ...............
2020-07-03 2:20 am
No need for a CC to build credit
I never had a CC until my mid 40s, credit score was 800+ when I applied
2020-07-02 6:25 am
Discover secured card. If they have those in your stupid country.
2020-07-02 3:33 am
Apply and get approved.
2020-07-02 2:35 am
only get one if you are interested in paying £40/$60 plus each month without even using the card
2020-07-02 2:33 am
The best and easiest way to start a credit history is to sign up for a contract phone. 

Make sure you are on the electoral register for your home address and they will want to know where you have been living for the last 3-5 years when you apply.
參考: A word to the wise, stay away from credit cards unless you pay the balance off every month.
2020-07-02 2:33 am
Companies like Capital One will give you a $500 credit limit that you can get increased.  Be careful though since they charge a high amount of interest if you don't pay on time. 

If you aren't able to qualify, you might be able to place a deposit for the credit limit. Check the website for ones that operate in the UK
2020-07-02 2:28 am
Apply for one online.....

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