Does jesus make everyone who have sinned atleast once burn in hell for eternity ?

2020-07-01 3:21 pm

回答 (9)

2020-07-01 3:49 pm
Of course not.  What a ridiculous statement.  Don't you know that "ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD"? (Romans 3:23)  If Jesus made sure everyone who had sinned at least once burned in hell for eternity, WE WOULD ALL BURN.  Why do you think Jesus came here and died on the Cross?  It was in order to SAVE US WHO ARE SINNERS.  That embraces the whole world, because we are ALL SINNERS.  Didn't you know that the reason Jesus had such compassion on us who sin continually, was because we were actually BORN IN SIN? 

All humans are born spiritually DEAD in trespasses and sins, and only Christ can make us alive (Ephesians 2: 1 & 5).  Confess your sins and worship the Saviour who died for you because He loves you and it's not His will that anyone perish but that ALL should come to repentance.  That's what Christ died for.  Make sure you are not one who caused Christ to die for nothing.
2020-07-01 7:11 pm
In fact: the whole point of Jesus
and his crucifixion
was so that would not have to happen to everyone.
2020-07-01 3:30 pm
Of course not, because He did what all we sinners could never do to save some from hell! It's not the quantity of sin we commit that is the issue, or even the depth of sin we have sunk down to. All and any sin must be punished by God (for He is righteous and cannot sweep sin under the carpet), yet in love, God sent His Son to bear the punishment for all sin, so that those repentantly trusting in the provision of grace will be freely pardoned. Utterly pardoned. Totally cleansed from all sin, and thereafter able to enter God's holy presence.

Sadly, there are many who are too proud to humbly receive a free pardon, because that would mean admitting they deserved the punishment of hell. That would mean feeling deep remorse and repenting before God. Those who die having rejected God's means of being spared hell will have to then bear their own punishment for their own sins. Their choice.
2020-07-01 5:22 pm
What makes you think the Prophet-messiah Jesus has the power to punish other people? and what makes you think that simply because every human being makes mistakes and sins will burn in hell? there are people that will be forgiven by God, pardoned by God and who will never ever enter the Hellfire. And the Prophet-messiah Jesus is a human being just as anyone else and who is also in need of God's mercy and His forgiveness as much as anyone else. 
2020-07-01 4:45 pm
Nope. Don't you feel better now?
2020-07-01 3:42 pm
All are born into sin and are corrupted, that is why Jesus says one must be born again.  

 2 Peter 3:9

 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

 John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His [a]only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
2020-07-02 2:39 am
I don't believe Jesus sends anyone to hell, or makes anyone burn there for eternity. 
Nothing in the Bible, except for a couple metaphorical references to pagan ideas, suggests that hell is eternal at all. 
And Jesus doesn't send anyone there; he's devoted to the project of persuading us not to go. 
I am a lifelong Christian. If I thought Jesus was anything like that, I wouldn't believe in him.
2020-07-01 4:59 pm
2020-07-01 3:31 pm
That would be everyone, so no. And hell is the grave 

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