We’re you one time an atheist who became a Christian ?

2020-06-30 12:53 pm
I grew up my whole life as an atheist. Later in life in a serious of events I name a Christian.  My life changed.  I wonder if anyone else was a die hard atheist who became a Christian 

回答 (13)

2020-06-30 2:36 pm
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yes. now spiritually i feel much cleaner having washed off the filth known as atheism.
2020-06-30 2:51 pm
I was once a die hard atheist. What changed me was love, hope, and compassion in Christ's Blood. That and the frightening thought of non-existence: an eternal silence.
2020-06-30 3:07 pm
For more than a decade, Frédéric Dumoulin has worked in the field of pharmaceutical research at Ghent University in Belgium. At one time he was an atheist. But later Frédéric became convinced that God created life. Read his experience: https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=102014126&srcid=share
2020-07-01 1:43 am
I spent over 20 years as a Christian before realizing the truth and becoming an atheist.
2020-06-30 8:56 pm
No I'm relatively sane.
2020-06-30 5:22 pm
Yes.  As a child I was firmly, staunchly atheist and largely metaphysically naturalistic and scientifically realist.  I became Christian at the age of eighteen.
2020-06-30 4:50 pm
Naahhh ... such people would be rare as as rocking horse ka-ka.

Like, it's not as if there's any verifiable evidence any gods exist, is there ?
2020-07-01 6:42 pm
everyone is an atheist before they become a believer.   to think otherwise is to not think at all
2020-06-30 3:55 pm
I was raised to believe in the Christian god, but my family never attended Church or spoke of the Bible.  I attended Church by myself when I was young, but could never really get into it.  Through my late teens and twenties, I began to lose faith, and now I identify as an atheist.
There has been no event in the entirety of my existence that would convince me of some higher power.  I would be overjoyed to encounter something so undeniable, but logic prevails.
2020-06-30 3:54 pm
Oh how nice . So what you're saying is once you had common sense and 
then you decided to go fullretard Huh ?

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