Why do some Christians say that masturbation is bad? Does it say in the Bible?

2020-06-28 6:49 am

回答 (10)

2020-06-28 7:02 am
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The Bible says nothing at all about masturbation. The closest it comes to it is the sin of Onan which was not masturbation but practicing coitus interruptus.  Jesus was a young unmarried man so he masturbated - like every other young unmarried man. Masturbation is a healthy practice and recommended by medical science.
2020-06-28 6:53 am
If scripture listed every potential sin common to mankind, we'd be lugging around a 24 volume encycopedia.

Scripture is clear that we must glorify God with our bodies. He didnt give us genitals to sit around and play with ourselves.

Abuse of equipment

1 Corinthians 6:20 KJV — For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
2020-06-28 6:54 am
It feels good, so it's a good assumption their god is against it
2020-06-28 7:25 am
They ha e a story of "onan and spilling his seed", refusing to impregnate his dead brothers wife. 
Then they call this evidence that masturbating is a sin.
2020-06-28 9:28 am
You have to turn the bible sideways to see the pictures.
2020-06-28 9:37 pm
Masturbation is a sin of lust and is seriously wrong.  A person can battle masturbation and other sins of lust by reciting the rosary every day with care and sincerity.  The Virgin Mary can help one to overcome lust.  She is known as Model of Purity.
2020-06-28 8:00 am
It's the sin of Onan because what's the damn difference? Onan didn't do what was commanded of him. 
2020-06-28 7:16 am
Nowhere in all of Scriptures does it say it is bad. What is Bad is the method you use to do so? What you think about is what can be sinful. And everything you think about is being recorded in the Book of Remembrance to be brought up on Judgment Day, when you are rejected from entering into Heaven, because your heart is NOT right with God.
2020-06-28 7:14 am
do not lust after the flesh of another person!
are we now tempting the Lord thy God
and his son Jesus Christ.
lets not push the door open
lets keep sin away from being clean
in fact in fact Repent of Lust of the flesh.
wash selves with the blood of JESUS!
Thank you Jesus in Jesus name Amen
holy holy holy holy is our God o mighty!
2020-06-28 7:04 am
Maybe this one:

Romans 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

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