How did Samson in The Holy Bible kill 1,000 Philistines with a jawbone of a donkey?

2020-06-28 1:25 am
How was that possible?

And how did Samson know he killed 1,000 Philistines?1,000 people is a lot of people. Explain how he could have done it?It's in Judges 15:15-16, King James Version of The Holy Bible. 

I'm sorry, my cell phone bunched the words up together.


In the Bible, they call it the "a" cuss word. I'm just figuring they were calling it a donkey. Isn't that what the "a" cuss word mean to us from The Bible?

回答 (22)

2020-06-28 2:01 am
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Short answer: God was with Samson.

Long answer:
If you look at a donkey's jaw, you can easily tell that it is much larger than the average human's jaw. If he holds it by the hinge, Samson would be able to use it similarly to a small club. 1000 men isn't really that much, it would be roughly equivalent to two battalions. Again, Samson had superhuman strength, he could kill a lion with his bear hands, and latter on he would rip apart a Philistine's city's gate right off. No doubt, Samson would also have superhuman stamina as well as strength. Samson could have killed them within half a day if not less.

Romans 8:31 
31What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
2020-06-28 7:58 am
The Hebrew word for thousand is eleph. It means thousand. It is therefore also used to indicate a company of soldiers under one leader, consisting of a thousand men. He killed a whole company.......1000 men. He had superhuman strength because he was faithful to his Nazarite vow which forbade him to ever cut his hair.
2020-06-28 1:40 am

very systematically.
read it again.

how does this confuse you?

would an adult have trouble with a toddler?
how about a 1000 of them?

he was MORE than they were.
beyond more. (in strength and vigor)

of course this is an example to try and help explain this to you. how about using ants instead. 

perhaps watching the matrix again might help.
#2 or #3....
2020-06-28 1:33 am
He was Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroids.
2020-06-28 1:28 am
It was a "machine donkey jawbone" and he had it set on "auto".
2020-06-28 10:19 pm
SAMSON was protected by GOD.
2020-06-28 1:36 am
Well, is this not similar to movie action heroes. where Jackie Chan defends himself from dozens of attackers, where someone like the character "John Wick" deflects attackers left and right while riding a motorcycle, where a character such as, well, ANY action movie hero drives down the road and kills attacking soldiers as he goes. So why could not a very strong human such as Samson do the same?
2020-06-28 1:42 am
Well, let's say a deadly strike takes about five seconds, and Philistines are constantly coming at Samson to kill him, thus making themselves vulnerable to his weapon.

1000 deaths / (1 death/5 seconds) x 1 hr/3600 sec = 1.39 hours.

So he could have gotten the job done in less than 1-1/2 hours.  Remember, he had superhuman strength, so he wouldn't have tired.

The Philistines would have been aware of how many of their number were killed, which was probably somewhere around a thousand, and the inspired writer, aware of that number (probably because the Philistines told others about it), just rounded the number to the nearest hundred (which is common in the Bible).

And who is to say that he didn't have a rope tied to the jawbone Bruce Lee style?
2020-06-28 2:47 am
it was a large calibre semi automatic jaw bone
or a ripping good yarn

take your pick
2020-06-28 1:53 am
that would take a miracle....who do we know in the miracle business
2020-06-28 1:35 am
I'd view that story with a grain of salt, friend. It's one of the more mythological segments of the Old Testament.
2020-06-28 3:06 am
It never happened, Its just ancient superstition.
2020-06-28 2:12 am
the jawbone had a laser in it.

The Samson story is fiction just like all the "stories" in the bible
2020-06-28 1:55 am
Lol....just more bible lunacy.
2020-06-28 9:13 am
One Philistine at a time.
2020-06-28 5:57 am
1) How did Samson in The Holy Bible kill 1,000 Philistines with a jawbone of a donkey?

With the jawbone of a donkey.

(Is this a trick question?
It's like asking: how did the U.S. kill 35,000 people by dropping an atomic bomb on Nagasaki?)
(And remember that at the time the typical person was much shorter than we are, though of course some of the Philistines were as tall as a very tall modern man...)

2) And how did Samson know he killed 1,000 Philistines?

Well...the Bible teaches us the following:

He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it. Then Samson said,“With the jawbone of a donkey,Heaps upon heaps,With the jawbone of a donkeyI have killed a thousand men.”

It doesn't teach, "...and killed exactly a thousand men with it, no more and no less..."

So: the author was trusting his source
which may indirectly have been Samson himself.

The author didn't know the actual body count (to the man).
Samson most likely didn't know the actual body count.
The Philistines might have known the actual body count.

If we trust the Bible (for whatever reason)
then we trust the author
that 1,000 men (more or less) were killed
but we don't know the source of that number
and so we don't really know how reliable that number is.
2020-06-28 4:42 am
Sounds like food poisoning. As for the counting, it's like when you play D&D and you kill a big ogre and the D.M. immediately counts the 5,463 coppers, 1,009 electrum pieces, 358 silvers and 28 gold. The poor gnome doesn't have to sit down and put everything in neat little stacks for an hour. 
2020-06-28 3:46 am
Typical battlefield statistics; it's an estimate, and maybe an exaggeration. We got used to those during the Vietnam War. 
Porky Pine: What did ol’ Senator Bullfrog have to say this time, Pogo? 
Pogo: He gimme speech no. 44A. 
Porky: Mm? 
Pogo: Y’know, the one where he quotes Samson . . . “With the jawbone of an *** . . . I have slain a thousand . . .” . . . bills, he means . . . 
Porky: Well . . . why not? . . . He’s richly endowed with the proper equipment. 
-- Walt Kelly, "Pogo"; reprinted in "Pogo's Body Politic"
2020-06-28 1:42 am
The hebrew word for donkey sounds like heap. He killed 1000 people and made a heap with their bodies
2020-06-28 5:07 am
It's mythology. Not reality or fact.
2020-06-29 2:03 am
Lots of stories in the bible are absolute BS. Scientifically and physically impossible.
2020-06-28 6:10 am
I dont think even the author intended that to be literal.

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