英文時態文法    ?

2020-06-27 12:21 pm
My work having been done,I went out for a walk.


After my work had been done,........



回答 (3)

2020-06-29 9:21 pm
前面的部分是分詞構句, 把"After my work had been done"改成分詞構句, 用動詞加ing. had --> having.

通常分詞構句的主詞和後面句字是同一個, 所以比較正確的說法是Having done my work, I went out for a walk.
2020-06-27 11:55 pm
The rule to reduce an adverbial subordinate clause into a participle phrase is change the main verb (or its auxiliary) into the form of present participle (V-ing), such as:
"had" been done --> "having" been done

My work having been done, I went out for a walk.  (absolute phrase)
= Having done my work, I went out for a walk.
2020-06-27 1:56 pm
直接一點,finished my work, I went out for a walk 

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:35:23
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