been super thirsty and peeing more over the last 3 days?

2020-06-27 3:41 am
over the past week or so, ive started to get super thirsty, especially at night. i’ve had a bad diet, but i’ve changed all that and for the past 2 months or so i’ve only been eating once a day(it is mainly fast food, but not a lot) with no chocolate or soda. recently i had not been drinking anything until 6pm just because i’ve been so busy. Could i have diabetes? these symptoms haven’t started gradually, just started over the last 2 days or so. 

回答 (3)

2020-06-27 3:43 am
you do not have diabetes
2020-06-27 1:28 pm
Diabetes develops slowly over a long period of time.  You wouldn't have a drastic change in just a few days - it would be subtle changes that  you eventually notice.

Diabetes doesn't happen just because of what you eat.  Avoiding chocolate and soda won't avoid diabetes.  It isn't just "sugar" - it is carbohydrates that increase sugar levels in the blood.  Too much bread or too much pasta can be just as bad as too much soda and chocolate.  BUT - there is nothing  you can eat that guarantees you get diabetes and there is nothing you can stop eating that will guarantee you don't get diabetes.

Your biggest issue is probably failing to drink until 6 pm.  Depending on exactly what you do all day - by the time you start drinking - you have dehydrated which is why you feel so thirsty.  Then you drink too much and your body reacts by peeing.

BTW - eating only once a day is NOT good eating habits.  It increases your risks for weight gain and other health issues.  The human body was designed for eating small amounts all day long - not one meal just once per day.  Three small meals and at least two small snacks is a far better eating plan than eating once per day.
2020-06-27 12:55 pm
If you did have diabetes, it has nothing to do with anything you've done in the last two or three months, period. So unless you have had an illness/accident, or a drug reaction, that damage or killed off the insulin producing cells in your pancreas, you don't have diabetes.

And not everyone experiences the "classic" diabetes symptoms. This is one of the reasons it's called the silent killer. 

Only time I personally pee "extra", is when I drink brewed tea several times a day. And I normally drink a gallon of water a day, on top of all the other liquids I might drink in a day's time. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:59:43
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