Jack, obviously you're not listening it the medical community or the CDC. I'm happy to explain their stance on masks.
Many people who have the virus don't know they have it. So if they go around without a mask, every time they cough, laugh, or talk, they're spreading the virus for a radius of about six feet.
Days after they've been out in public, their symptoms arrive. They feel awful for a few days, then probably bounce back, especially if they're young and healthy.
But before they felt bad at all, they were spreading the virus to people who won't bounce back, or who will pass it on, unknowingly just like the first guy, to someone who could easily die from it.
The "six degrees of separation" factor is not even six before you get to a person who's likely to become extremely ill. Maybe someone's mom is fighting breast cancer, or their grandma is in her 80s, or their little sister has asthma. There are thousands of ways to be at high risk while you look healthy enough.
You're being asked or told to wear a mask to protect other people, because nobody knows who is carrying the virus and doesn't yet have symptoms. We hope it's not you, but we're really hoping you won't make us take a chance that it is.
You don't have to. You only have to wear a mask on public transport as it's near impossible to socially distance on a crowded train/bus.
Nobody wants to see your face.
參考: And I'm quite sure nobody wants to see mine.
How do you know you don't have the virus? Even if you have been tested and showed negative that was at the time you were tested and could have immediately become infected on your way home from the test.
Also you could be feeling perfectly fine and have no symptoms almost 50% of those who have had the virus had no symptoms and did know and could have unwittingly infected others they came into contact with.
The rules about wearing a mask and social distancing are to protect you as well as everyone else.
If your using Public Transport in the UK, you have to wear a face mask (of some sort) or you'll be fined £1000. Many people don't even know they've got the virus (the lucky people), so wearing one will protect those around you, who if they catch it, could be hospitalised or become quite ill.
Do you get tested every day? Is there a force field at the 6 feet mark? No? Then wear a GD mask!
Because you don't really know you don't have COVID-19 and keeping your distance hasn't proven to be enough to keep the public safe.
You may not be always far enough from everyone. You may unwittingly come into contact with a Covid 19 person and get the virus from him. What is disturbing is that that person who had contracted the virus may not even know it yet as he wouldn't show any symptoms until a few days later.
So it is better you always wear a mask.
You cannot know if you have the virus or not, wear a mask to make other people around you feel safer.
How do you know you don’t have it? Not everyone shows symptoms. Also do you want it? Wearing a mask can help you from getting it
Study the mutating details of the deadly virulent COVID-19 disease, Jack. COVID-19 is capable of hanging in the air or remaining on surfaces for eight or even nine hours. A career virologist has expressed concern that virus mutates into a BLOOD DISEASE when it infects men in their 30s and 40s, causing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks or neurological damage. An experienced ER doctor flew on a commercial airline while wearing a mask when other passengers were not masked---and he caught the deadly virus through his EYE MEMBRANES, almost dying as his lungs hardened. Some medical professionals are choosing see-through facial visors that cover all three routes of access: eyes, nose, and mouth, and these visors can be constructed out of a two-liter soda bottle. Donning a mask keeps others safe from you and you safe from others. It is wise.
How do you know you are not an asymptomatic carrier?
And how do you know that you can keep your distance in all circumstances?
You don't.
Just in case you have it or are a carrier of it without noticing
Because it's impossible to keep your distance on public transport.You also have idiots in supermarkets who ignore warnings.
You need to follow Rumsfeld on this - whether you have it or not is one of his Unknown Unknowns. So until you know, mask up and shut up.
I don't think wearing a mask is compulsory i see lots and lots of people in my area without masks. Why don't you stop wearing a mask?
because you have drank the trump Clorox (I used to say Kool-Aid) and believe that you know from moment to moment that you do not have the virus.
How do you really know if you have the virus or not? Some people have it, but
have no symptoms. They can go on to spread it.
No-one wants to see your face.
No, but why not use a second simple precaution?
I wear one because I do not want to catch it. A woman in a poultry processing plant told me there were 8 people who wore masks at work, and 7 who did not. The plant had to close because all 7 non-wearers tested positive.
Masks work to protect you.
You might be a carrier & not know it. Unless you get rested frequently how do you know if you are not a carrier?
And how is it definitely you know you don't have it.
You can't know you don't have it. Many people have no symptoms and are contagious anyway. BTW, it can linger in the air for 3 hours.
So you don't get the virus.
Anyway, some people are carriers and they don't know it.
Don't be selfish.
Masks are a complete waste of time and cause more harm than good.