What is something you wish you had never done ?

2020-06-25 10:20 am

回答 (7)

2020-06-26 10:48 pm
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Absolutely. I am crippled because I had a unscrupulous surgeon tell me in 2011 to have my herrington rod in my spine for 32 years to be removed and replaced with titanium. I did and I have been through all kinds of hell, pain, and suffering since then with broken hardware and a messed up spine due to it. I wish I had never listened to him because he ruined my life.
2020-06-25 4:19 pm
well,  I would say getting married.......but then I wouldn't have my awesome son..............so,   can't say thattttttttt...................

but, well..........you know.........don't think I would EVER marry again , that's for sure. 
2020-06-25 10:25 am
Dropped out of high school and moved out on my own at 17.  I ended up in a great place, but it took me decades to get where I really wanted to be.
2020-06-27 8:06 am
Eaten Casu Marzu.
2020-06-26 2:13 am
Eaten that bat        
2020-06-25 10:45 am
Drank wine coolers 
2020-06-25 10:25 am
I sometimes wish I'd not gone back to college. Got tired of low paying jobs but if I had known 
it would take this long, and no guarantee of getting a degree because my major pretty much 
requires certification, much like a lawyer needing to pass the bar, I would have thought twice.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:52:05
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