In what ways is the Garden of Eden story sex-negative?

2020-06-24 6:35 am

NCWJ has already demonstrated a way. By teaching there is only way to love. Or be married. Restrictive, negative, harmful to those outside of this narrow strait. What are they to do or feel or be? 

回答 (4)

2020-06-24 6:36 am
As a kid I thought it was positive, I was kind of a weird kid too so reading about people running around naked and laying together turned me on. I had to hide my ***** by leaning against the pew in front when we stood to sing
2020-06-24 6:50 am
Man was created by god and woman was from the rib of man.  Woman picked the fruit from the forbidden tree.  So all our woes are due to woman's sin.
2020-06-24 3:27 pm
The original sin could not have been sexual intercourse for the following reasons:

God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad while Adam was still alone, without a wife.—Genesis 2:17, 18.

God instructed Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and become many”—that is, to have children. (Genesis 1:28) It would have been cruel for God to punish the first couple for doing what he had commanded them to do.

Adam and Eve sinned separately—Eve first and her husband later.—Genesis 3:6.

The Bible approves of sexual relations between a husband and wife.—Proverbs 5:18, 19; 1 Corinthians 7:3.
2020-06-24 6:37 am
The only reference is that it says that man will be married to 1 woman which is positive and that is the ONLY allusion to sex

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