請問[has Susan]是省略了什麼?感謝! ?

2020-06-23 9:02 pm
"She's got a way with her, [has Susan]," she went on quite volubly. "I've been thinking all morning of one thing she said yesterday.

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett Chapter19

回答 (1)

2020-06-24 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
She's got a way with her, has Susan.
= Susan has indeed got a way with her.

[has Susan] or [Susan has, 較正宗的寫法] 這是一種陳述句標籤(statement tags), 作用是強調或加強句子的肯定性。 句子並沒有省略什麼!

1. "Susan" as appeared at the end of sentence, is a kind of "tail construction" referring back to the sentence subject, the pronoun "She".  
2. Mrs. Medlock was not asking a question, either for verification (balance tag) or ironic (unbalanced tag) purposes, in her statement about Susan. The punctuation was correct as it stood!  It is not a tag question! 
參考: English Grammar Today, by Cambridge

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