The Phantom of the Opera is about Christine,Raoul,and Phantom in love and hate 這句文法對不對?? 或是有更好的?? 單字簡單點、內容不用詳細 謝謝!!!!m(_ _)m?

2020-06-19 6:07 pm

回答 (2)

2020-06-20 1:09 am
Your original writing is OK but the ending was weak and ambiguous (as 'in love and hate').

The Phantom of the Opera accentuates the love triangle among Christine, Raoul, and Erik.
2020-06-20 2:24 am
這小說的內容是關於Christine,Raoul,and the Phantom(Erik)三人之間的愛與恨.

The Phantom of the Opera is about the love and hate among Christine, Raoul and the Phantom.

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