I am wondering about the solar eclipse on Sunday and does it have anything to do with the world ending prediction?

2020-06-19 9:33 am

回答 (27)

2020-06-21 8:59 pm
Yes, it's true, every last word of it. I hope you stocked up on toilet paper!
2020-06-19 3:53 pm
There have been thousands of solar eclipses and we're still here, and predictions that the world will end have been made hundreds of times and they've all been wrong.  Stop listening to crap.
2020-06-19 10:00 am
Solar eclipses happen regularly, why would this one have anything to do with a nonsense conspiracy theory.
2020-06-21 11:03 am
You mean like all the OTHER eclipses that have occurred? Or will occur?  Sure. The world must have ended at least 6 billion times by now. Why should this time be different?  For cripes sake--read a science book.

2020-06-21 6:38 am
Not any more so than the last 1,000 solar eclipses that have occurred.
2020-06-21 5:06 pm
Where and how does "the world is ending" stuff come from?  This year it's a solar eclipse, last year it was supposed to be an asteroid, maybe next year it will be butterflies flying amok.  Solar eclipses, both annular and total have been occurring for billions of years and the planet is still here.  The world was supposed to end in 2017, 2012, 2000, 1999, etc.  
2020-06-21 10:41 am
Eclipses are natural events stfu about end of the world
2020-06-20 4:45 pm
I thought they said the world was going to end in December 21, 2012? Could you please tell me if it did end? I forgot to check. 
2020-06-19 10:27 pm
A solar eclipse is nothing more than the shadow of the moon tracking across some of the Earth's surface.  There've been thousands of them in the past - with no 'world ending' event occurring - and, this one will be the same as those.
2020-06-19 7:23 pm
I can't believed that such ignorance exists in the 21st century...read a science book..
2020-06-19 9:40 am
Eclipses have been going on for millions of years.
And the planet is still here.

On the other hand, you might not.
2020-06-19 10:05 am
Hard to believe you remember to breathe.
2020-06-29 2:48 am
Which 'world ending prediction' ? There are so many.
2020-06-22 11:56 am
no it doesn't. That's a myth not proven in neither the bible or by science.

It just means greater tides because a new moon implies a spring tide because sun's gravity is also pulling tides
2020-06-21 8:23 pm
It's 8:25AM where I live.  I don't think the world has ended yet.
2020-06-21 4:09 pm
Yes, it is one of the first signs you will see.  Not much longer now.
2020-06-21 1:35 pm
Time to get NAKED.
2020-06-21 4:32 am
Solar eclipses and comments and other astronomical things our routine part of our existence. They don't have anything to do with the Revelation or the world's ending prophecy. Revelation gives 2 astronomical signs that speak about the coming of the end of this system of things one is a very hot event where the sun produces more heat and we have a very bad heat wave. Another one is a meteor or asteroid which strikes in the ocean and causes a massive fish kill and kills a lot of people also
2020-06-19 10:35 am
World Ending predictions come and go all the time.  They are all a Hoax.
There is a Solar Eclipse on Sunday which is also the June Solstice.
However the Eclipse will only be seen in Africa and Asia.
I copied this from a web page:
Rare Solstice EclipseIn many time zones, this eclipse will take place on the same day as the June Solstice. The only other time an annular solar eclipse coincides with the June solstice in this century is on June 21, 2039.High Magnitude, Narrow Path, Short AnnularityThe path of this rare solstice "ring of fire" eclipse is long—it spans across two continents, Africa and Asia, and 14 countries—but it is also very narrow. At its widest, in West Africa, the path is only about 85 km (53 mi) wide. Here, annularity lasts for about 1 minute and 20 seconds.At the location of Greatest Eclipse, in Uttrakhand, India, near the border of China and Nepal, the magnitude of the eclipse is 0.996 and the width of the path is about 21 kms (13 mi). Annularity here lasts for around 38 seconds.This eclipse also has the highest magnitude (0.99401) at the instant of Greatest Eclipse among all the annular solar eclipses between 2003 and 2031. The next annular solar eclipse with a higher magnitude is on September 12, 2034.
2020-06-23 8:38 am
The world's ending is unrelated to solar or lunar eclipses.
2020-06-22 11:49 pm
The worlds not ending anytime soon, you dense pineapple.
參考: Common Sense
2020-06-22 8:14 pm
It does to those who think it does 
2020-06-22 2:45 am
The only thing in common between solar eclipses and a world ending prediction is that they both are *predicted*; one reliably, by people who compute orbits of celestial bodies; the other by a bunch of morons who know *&%$#all.

Stop wondering, the only known mechanisms that could provoke the end of the world have a certain degree of unpredictability liked with how much we know and can find out about our planet and the universe; with the notable exception of an end of the world brought by having an over abundance of idiots. My advise to you: do NOT be one of them.
2020-06-22 1:30 am
OMG. I saw this too late, and the world just ended.
2020-06-21 7:29 pm
An eclipse is when the moon gets between Earth and the Sun.  Nothing magical about it.
2020-06-21 10:53 am
Apparently if you walk around naked in front of your neighbours singing " Here Comes the Sun " we may just avoid planetary catastrophe.
2020-06-21 9:33 am
Your confusing proven science and stone age religious bullshitte.

The world has had thousands of eclipses and will have thousands more

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