How is it I've got 78,295 points and not on the Leader Board?

2020-06-19 5:30 am

回答 (10)

2020-06-19 10:09 am
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Dude its been 12 years and 4 accounts ago since I was on a leaderboard. 

It baffles me as to why people here still obsess over points and Leaderboards and TC badges. The questions on here are crap. 

About the only thing this place is good for now is flaming people who ask stupid questions and attacking vicious trolls with equally vicious remarks. 
2020-06-19 12:04 pm
Which leader board? The main leader board people have millions of points. Note, they are based on BAs, not points. As noted, they have not been updated in a long time.
2020-06-19 6:37 am
The leaderboard hasn't worked in years.
2020-06-19 6:33 am
They abandoned the Leader Boards months ago they are never updated
2020-06-19 7:10 pm
The leaderboards haven't been updated in years and it's unlikely they ever will be again.
There are a of of users listed there who's accounts are long suspended, or just don't use the site anymore.
2020-06-19 5:52 am
I trade all mine in for cash each time I hit 50,000.
2020-06-20 4:58 pm
Because Leaderboards are not about POINTS .  or even TOTAL   BA's. 

They are ranked by the number of BA's you have in THAT specific Category. 

I am on a number of them and have more points than most here,  (but not all, obviously) - 

The MAIN overall leaderboards have indeed been frozen and not updated in YEARS.    Conley passed Aunt Katie ages ago.....but the Main leaderboard still does not reflect that, and is a collection of long since suspended accounts. 

CATEGORY leaderboards  do indeed still work.  Again, I know that, because I am on a number of them. 

If they seem like they are not moving,  that's because you are either not keeping track,  or you haven't cracked the top 10 yet. 

I thought the POLITICS board was dead and Frozen because I haven't seen it move in ages.........and I damn sure should be on it by now.......

but apparently not.  I started keeping track of the OTHER users in the top 10......and yes,  some of the accounts seem dead and frozen in place......but others are moving and gaining new BA's   daily.  4 of them  are quite active. 

so I guess I just haven't reached the bottom rung yet.......

conversely,  I was startled as hell, when I *did* appear on the P&S leaderboard........ I damn sure was NOT expecting THAT.   I don't where the hell that came from! 

But POINTS alone,  has nothing to do, with CATEGORY leaderboards. 

Interestingly.-- right after the recent format are RIGHT......they changed the rankings   to show POINTS,  not BAs......but did NOT rank the people by POINTS, in, a rather puzzling useless change......that didn't really mean anything.......

but that only lasted a few days,  and then it went back to showing  total number of BA's in that category......and then froze......for about two weeks. 

I guess they were still working out the kinks of the new format. 
But NOW they are functioning again...............

yet oddly, the MAIN overall leaderboards remain frozen in time.  Go figure. 
2020-06-19 10:00 pm
Leaderboards show how many BAs in a particular category/subcategory a user has. A user may have millions of points but if they have low BAs in every category they use, they won't make the leaderboard. Not to mention, leaderboards haven't been updated in a VERY long time. 
2020-06-19 4:22 pm
Don't feel bad. I've got 209,000+ and I've never been on the leader board. 
2020-06-19 6:50 pm
You have not Beaten the other people on the Leaderboard you have to Surpass there Numbers 

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