I'm going to Lisa's house to play you should call her before goes there 為何下句用goes,而不是用go? 我看書上寫的,主要子句若是未來式,副詞子句就要用現在式,下句的主詞不是you嗎?

2020-06-19 12:09 am

回答 (2)

2020-06-19 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
錯誤的,應該寫before you go,或call her first
2020-06-19 9:57 am
In this pattern the predicative adjunct is a present participle(=go---->going)
You should call her-------Subject +vt
before going there--------present participle
=going after call
going=present participle. It is an error to use "goes".as the S is "You".

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