How ruthless can God be to send his own creation to Hell?

2020-06-17 8:14 am

回答 (8)

2020-06-22 2:42 am
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Sadistic and ruthless. Yes, I agree
2020-06-17 9:30 am
I have responded to this form of question more than once. Before judging God, make certain you understand what the Bible really teaches.

Hellfire is NOT a Bible teaching. Only two places in the Bible could be willfully misconstrued in this way to frighten and control millions of people over the centuries.

1. Matthew 5:22; 18:19; Mark 9:47,48. Jesus used the term "Gehenna." The term "Gehenna" was a real and visible place and was used 12 times in the Greek Scriptures (New Testament). 

The people to whom Jesus was speaking understood what he meant. Ge henna was the Greek form of the Hebrew Geh Hinnom - Valley of Hinnom. They new the history of that real place.

At one time the two kings of Israel were engaged in idolatrous worship that included making human sacrifices by fire to the false god Baal. Later, King Josiah of Israel destroyed this location and burned all that he could of this God defying place especially the area of Topheth.

So, when Jesus used Gehinna they understood it as a place of complete destruction of what was wicked and opposed to God. They didn't see it as a place of éverlasting torment' as depicted by Christendom.

2. Revelation 19:20; 20:14,15; 21:8 These scriptures refer to the Lake of Fire - again not a place of everlasting torment but a symbolic reference to complete and everlasting destruction. We know that it must be symbolic because the Grave/Hades, the Devil and Death are destroyed there - things that cannot be affected by fire.

To research this topic please visit and type Gehenna  and/or Lake of Fire into the search box. Please use your copy of the Bible to follow scriptural references.

Hope this helps.
2020-06-17 8:17 am
He's into killing and slaughtering.

Remember the supposed flood?
2020-06-17 8:17 am
Since when was the world not in thier eyes after aquiring it?
2020-06-17 8:52 am
god dont send people to hell, they send themselves there
2020-06-17 8:22 am
“Hell is not about a God mad at us. It is about a God that did all He could to give us His joy. Hell is about a betrayed God that accepts, out of His unconditional love, to be betrayed forever. And He won’t change that if it implies to violate our freedom. He respects His promises. He will give us what we ask for. He won’t enter into our lives if we don’t allow Him to do so, even if that is the cause of His sufferings on the Cross. He won´t enter, not because of bitterness or resentment, but because He is a sweet gentleman that doesn´t impose Himself to His creatures.” 
2020-06-17 9:00 am
The fact of the matter: No: We send are selves to hell, it is not what goes into a man, that condemns a man, it is what comes out of a man that condemns a man to eternal death; read Mark 7:18-23, read James 3:5-10
參考: King James holy bible
2020-06-17 8:54 am
He sends the wicked to hell, not the righteous. We cannot reject God and have God simultaneously. We have no right to complain about what is unfair. Only Jesus received what He did not deserve, the punishment for our sins, and then God gives us salvation as a a free gift. No one has to be destroyed, but we are given free-will, and there are those who would choose sin and destruction over God. God restored what He took not away. People keep casting God out like He is nothing. People need to learn to value their Creator and the One who holds their lives in His hands. We only exist because of Him, because were were in His thoughts, and He chose to create what He desired. God is not looking to merge heaven and hell. The corrupted cannot inherit what is incorruptible, but God wants to merge a righteous heaven and a righteous earth together, and make them one, and God will rule and reign in His Righteousness and in His Truth, truly creating a utopia that is a life that is good for all His citizens. There will be no more oppression, slavery, fear, tears...etc... and God will show His Superior Kingdom is greater than all of the kingdoms that the devil has made. Not one of them, could produce a utopia, not even the last antichrist kingdom which promises peace, security, and safety. No one is worthy of God. We did nothing to deserve to be created, nor have we done anything to merit being kept alive. God keeps us alive because of His love and mercy, and it is because of His love that we have value, and that we exist.

God is His Truth and His Righteousness... this is the nature of His Spirit. We cannot oust His Truth and Righteousness, and have Him in our lives. And without Him in our lives, we are separated from the benefits of His dominion and His presence. God is not seeking to cut us off from Him, but God has given to us the ministry of reconciliation, so that we have an established connection to Him... once which is everlasting and never-ending. God not only created us, but created us to live forever with Him. He is committed to upholding our lives with the rest of His own Life, which is endless. We need to respect our Creator, and the least we could do is be appreciate and obedience. For all that God does for us, there is no way that we could match Him or repay Him. We  could never be His equal partner... we will always be the ones who He is carrying the burden of the relationship of. He will carry us on His shoulders, but we can add nothing to Him, who knows everything, and though we may think of ourselves as complex and deep, in realty we are very simple and easy for Him to read and predict. He is complete and whole, and self-sufficient, but we are the ones who are lacking, being incomplete without Him. Not only were we made by Him, but we were also made for Him. God merely created us, because He had a desire to share His love and His heart. It's not about us, it is about Him, because everything was made FOR HIM. God deserves to have a good inheritance, and He is making His own people His greatest inheritance, though Him being our inheritance, is far superior an inheritance than Him receiving us. It's a pity just how low so many people think of God. it is  a very bad attitude to adopt the thinking of those who despise Him. You will not find anyone on earth, who could love you more than God.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:00:35
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