我父母想我讀band 2嘅中中 但係我想讀band 1 嘅英中 因為我覺得我嘅英文會有幫助 但係我阿爸話揀間中等嘅學校咪冇咁大壓力嘍 我自己覺得 揀中學應該又我黎揀 而唔係父母 父母只係俾意見 最後讀嘅都係我 父母應該要尊重我嘅選擇 之前家長會到老師問我想讀邊間中學 ?

2020-06-14 9:19 am

我阿爸就幫我答咗 「A中學啦 因為佢放學之後會快啲返到屋企」我始終都冇出過聲 我唔敢啊 我唔明點解佢咁睇唔起我 我當場忍唔住喊咗出黎 我係咪連揀中學都冇黎個權利 「揀學校應該由父母話是」我唔想咁嘍 btw我阿媽好支持我自己中學自己揀 但係通常學校嘢都係俾曬阿爸黎搞 阿媽負責管阿哥嘅 之前阿哥就係咁樣俾阿爸話讀聖百多祿啦 但係佢想讀呂明才 佢老師都推展佢去讀呂明才 之後我都唔記得咩原因啦 阿哥終於入咗呂明才    我可以點算啊 我唔想俾佢逼到去一間我唔鍾意嘅中學啊 求網民俾啲意見我

回答 (1)

2020-06-14 5:26 pm
Without knowing detail, it is difficult to say who is right or wrong. But so far, your father is actually correct.

1. A ELM school can't improve English skill. To improve English, a person must be exposed to English extensive enough. The environment of ELM is not sufficient to be a difference. Using an unfamiliar language can in fact cause more problem.

2. During Central Allocation (統一派位), a wrong mistake can create a catastrophic result.

In this situation, the best solution is to use Discretionary Places (自行分配學位). If you are capable enough, your preferred school will admit you during Discretionary Places and you will no longer be subject to Central Allocation. If you don't get it, then you know what to do.

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