while finding the derivative of an equation is it necessary to convert it into the trigonometric form.For Ex:  ?

2020-06-13 11:29 pm
4sinxcosx is the final answer which is converted to 2sin 2x.If it is necessary than how do we convert the answer into the trigonometric form?
Is 2sinxcosx equal to sin2x?

回答 (3)

2020-06-13 11:36 pm
It is a trigonometric identity: sin(2x) = 2 sin(x) cos(x)

When you get an answer of 4 sin(x) cos(x), you may convert it into 2 sin(2x) but not must. Usually, I do it.
2020-06-13 11:55 pm
4sinxcosx can be differentiated using the product rule, or we can convert to 2sin2x and differentiate.

However, when integrating, it is a lot easier to integrate a function bsin(ax) than it is a product.

You can use 'integration by parts' but, this can lead to many steps of working.

2020-06-13 11:33 pm
Sin(2x) = Sin( x + x) 
then by the Trig. Identity 
Sin(x + x) = SinxCosX + CosX Sinx = 
Let y= 2SinxCosx 
Then differentiate by Product Rule 
Hence dy.dx = 2Sinx(-Sinx) + 2CosxCosx
dy/dx = -2Sin^2(x0 + 2Cos^2(x) 
Remember the Trig Identity 
Cos^2 = 1 - Sin^ 
dy/dx = -2Sin^2(x) +2(1 - Sin^2(x))
dy/dx = -2Sin^2(x) + 2 - 2Sin^2(x) 
dy/dx = 2 - 4Sin^2(x) 

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