I'm a straight male but Not interested in intercourse?

2020-06-12 11:47 am
I am a 25 year old straight male and I find intercourse and tongue kissing to be gross.

I enjoy physical affection like hugging and kissing on the cheek and cuddling but other then that Im not really interested in penetrative or oral sex.

is something wrong with me?

回答 (9)

2020-06-12 11:48 am
I suggest looking up asexuality 
2020-06-13 3:37 pm
I'm like you too. We're asexual.
2020-06-13 3:27 am
Yoel Cohen knows very well 
He is just like you
2020-06-12 12:12 pm
Yes, you are posting this sh*t to R&S, where is is OFF topic...
2020-06-12 6:08 pm
No, there is absolutely nothing whatsoever wrong with you.  God has made us all different.  You have just as much right to enjoy only a purely platonic relationship which is exactly what that is - a relationship without sexual intercourse.  I can't see anything wrong with that whatsoever.  Many older couples are in that position, because either they are past that season of their lives, being too old, or else they just love their spouse the way you do because that's the way God made them. We are all different.  God made us all different for a reason.  It takes all sorts to make a world.  There is somebody for everyone out there - it's just a matter of meeting the right person.  Ask God to bring along the right one for you and He will be faithful to do so.  You should never be pressured into something against your will in life, no matter what it is - so just as we wouldn't tolerate someone forcing us to eat food we don't like, neither should we tolerate someone forcing us to engage in sexual activity that disgusts us or that we don't desire, like or want.  I think platonic is wonderful if it's with the agreement of BOTH partners, and that is your private business.  Don't discuss it with people because people never understand anyone who deviates in any way from what is considered generally as the norm in this world. In my opinion, it's nobody else's business but yours and your spouse's.  It's only the same as some couples not desiring to have children.  The world might frown upon that but again, it takes all sorts to make a world 
2020-06-12 12:58 pm
Nah.  You're just asexual.
2020-06-12 11:53 am
You sound just like my one friend. No, there’s nothing wrong with it. You may have to rethink though if you ever want children one day. Of course, there’s always alternatives. 
2020-06-12 11:49 am
yes keep your stuff to yourself boys
2020-06-12 11:49 am
Maybe if you were to try it you'd change your mind.

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