The Playstation 5 graphics were not impressive and look very outdated Agree/Disagree?

2020-06-12 5:42 am
I was trully dissapointed. The graphics still look similar to the Playstation 4. I think im just going to buy a computer with the latest video card. And i heard Sony wants to sell this thing for around $780 dollars. 

回答 (11)

2020-06-12 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
The main focus of next gen consoles are 2 things:

1. Raytracing mode (which is still an expensive techs on PC)
2. Ultra-fast SSD's, which will affect game designs.

Many people said that graphics has reached "uncanny valley" this gen, and next gen will only be added more "bells and whistles".

And if you look at the PS5 presentation video, Rachet & Clanx game is the one who demonstrate what PS5 could do, where it shows the game jumps to other worlds in an instant, with little-to-no loadings.

That's what the next gen consoles are about, while the graphics is more about the Raytracing lightning tech.
2020-06-12 7:53 am
This is VERY similar to what people said about the PS4... "The jump isn't noticeable" "It only looks marginally better", "I thought it would look better, it still looks last gen."

The problem is that we've reached a plateau point where graphics are so good, that a generation jump isn't going to look drastically better. 

Even If you buy a PC with the latest graphics card, About the only thing you're going to immediately notice is that games might run smoother.
2020-06-12 8:57 am
it's still early.  unless you were watching the reveal on a 4K tv or monitor,, it will be hard to tell at all.  and a lot of the games weren't high end AAA games either it seemed.  so that didn't help much either.  i still need to see more if i want to get a ps5 on day one.  otherwise i may just get a ps4, especially if that price drops.  
2020-06-12 6:04 am
It is still very early to judge the graphical power of the PS5.

As the other asker mentioned, graphics can improve over time on a console.

One example is comparing Call of Duty 2 (2005 launch title for Xbox 360) and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (2015; final COD game for 360).
2020-06-12 5:45 am
Early PS4 games look very last gen too. 
2020-06-12 6:20 am
its always a slight improvement..
2020-08-19 6:42 pm
Believe it or not, Most of the ps3 games now have better graphics than most ps4 games.
2020-06-12 11:00 pm
Agreed ever since ps3/xbox 360 became outdated they never been able to impress anyone since.
2020-09-19 10:48 pm
Another Console question from a Console gamer who just doesn't 'Get It'

Here's the way it works, for f's sake

You will be able to play the Current games at higher screen resolutions with higher detail settings. In the future Games will be able to use real time Ray Tracing which will lead to better lighting effects and more realistic images. It's not the hardware that's the bottleneck but Game Development that lags behind. 
2020-09-09 9:02 am
Trust me. It's a work in progress. Just be patient, the graphics will get better.
2020-06-18 5:06 am
Whenever a video game console comes out the first gen games have bad graphics and horrible loading times I remember the ps3 release and then down the road it get better 
2020-08-31 6:16 am
PS2 characters were badly detailed. Believable human models were first introduced on ps3 since then, those that need to get improved were render resolution and shaders. Now, we only need to make game environment more immersive by adding more shader. PS5 will let you play any games at full 4k resolution. That is a huge improvement over 1080P ps4 console. and you will see more texture detail and more realistic lighting, skin shader on ps5 making the game more like pixar movies. 
參考: my study

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