What you think?

2020-06-11 6:55 am
Millions starving to death
Millions with cancer
Like every second someone gets raped
Natrual disasters
Thousands homeless
So much violence

Yep god does love us and sure does care. He's almighty and all knowing and he's just watching all this evil torture things happening probably eating popcorn

回答 (21)

2020-06-11 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Millions don’t have to starve to death 

The richest nations could wipe out the debt owed by the developing countries. Also, share wealth by investing in trade and natural resources, instead of exploitation. 

Millions with cancer could be treated, if nations made healthcare for all free of charge. Also, instead of spending billions on weapons that are not needed, spend those billions on healthcare. 

The other issues you mention can also be resolved by humanity’s governments. 

Why should God, or Thor step in to help? 
2020-06-11 6:58 am
Sin is rampant and the cause of all the misery in the world.  It's not God's fault.  He gave us a perfect world.  We chose to wreck it.  
2020-06-11 8:02 pm
PEOPLE collectively  can END starvation  .

  PEOPLE ( SCIENCE ) is working toward treatments and cures for Cancer  DOCTORS without boarders 

 PEOPLE  rape  PEOPLE  that is dealt with  by prosecution and  safety measure by PEOPLE

 PEOPLE MURDER PEOPLE  same intervention as for rape

 WAR is PEOPLE action and many times in the PAST  war was a result of RELIGIOUS IDEAS  or desire for POWER and WEALTH

 HOMELESSNESS is PEOPLE action  can be ENDED by ECONOMIC  Equality SOCIAL programs rehabilitation  mental health and affordable housing

 NATURAL DISASTERS can be PREPARED FOR  ( SCIENCE FORECASTING )  Building codes regulations on farming  preservation of the planet reduction in pollution and global warming 

 CORONAVIRUS  SCIENCE  implantation of Social distancing  mask   work on a vaccine and treatment .. ANIMAL / human  contact regulations 

 all  addressed by HUMANIST ACTION  

   IRONY  a tactic to elicit   humor or an  emphatic  response  is an effective tool to HIGHLIGHT   peoples convictions  void of VALIDITY / demonstration
2020-06-11 6:58 am
I think...that's your opinion.
2020-06-13 4:33 am
So, would you prefer that He eliminate all this evil by revoking the gift of free will He has given us, turning us into robots programmed to do only His will?  Can't have it both ways. If we have free will, then we are totally responsible for all the decisions we freely make, good or bad, not God.
2020-06-11 4:23 pm
Why does God allow suffering? Watch this video: https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=502018850&srcid=share
2020-06-11 8:10 am
God is counting on you!
2020-06-11 10:08 pm
WHAT IS GOD PURPOSE FOR THE EARTH?.....WHY DID GOD CREATE THE EARTH? Jehovah gave the earth to men and woman. It is our home. Therefore, the first human couple, Adam and Eve, were not created to populate the heavens- God had already created angels to live in heaven. ( Job 38:4,7) Rather, God took the first man and settled him in a delightful paradise called the garden of Eden. ( Genesis 2:15-17) Jehovah gave him and his future offspring  the prospect of enjoying life without end on earth. Read Psalm 37:29; 115:16.  originally, only the garden of Eden was a paradise. The first human couple were to fill the earth with their offspring. In time, they were to subdue the entire globe and make it a paradise. ( genesis 1:28) The earth will never be destroyed. It will always be mankind's home. Read psalm 104:5. ..WHY IS THE EARTH NOT APARADISE NOW?... Adam and Eve disobeyed God, so Jehovah put them out of the garden. Paradise was lost, and no man has succeeded in restoring it. The Bible says: "The earth has been handed over to the wicked."- Job9:24. Read Genesis 3:23,24. ….HOW WILL PARADISE BE RESTOTRED? …. Paradise will be restored on earth during Jesus rule as god's King. In a battle called Armageddon, Jesus will lead God's angels and destroy all who oppose God. Then Jesus will imprison Satan for 1,000 years. God's people will survive the destruction because Jesus will guide and protect them. They will enjoy everlasting life in paradise on earth. Read Revelation 20:1-3;21:3,4...… WHEN WILL SUFFERING END?... When will God bring an end to evil on earth? Jesus gave a "sign" to indicate when the end would be near. present world conditions threaten man's survival and show that we now live in "the conclusion of system of things." Read Matthew 24:3, 7-14,21,22. during Jesus 1,000- year rule from heaven over the earth , he will bring all suffering to an end. ( Isaiah 9:6,7; 11:9) Besides serving as King, Jesus will act as High Priest and will cancel the sins of those who love God. Thus, by means of Jesus, God will eliminate sickness, aging, and death. Read Isaiah 25:8;33:24.....WHO WILL LIVE IN THE FUTURE PARADISE? People who obey God will live in Paradise. ( 1John 2:17) Jesus sent his followers to search for meek people and to teach them how to become acceptable to God. today, Jehovah is preparing millions of people for life in the future Paradise on earth. ( Zephaniah 2:3) At Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses, people  learn to be better husbands and fathers and to be better wives and mothers. Children and parents worship together and learn how to benefit from the good news. Read Micah 4:1-4. ….At the kingdom Hall, you will meet people who love God and want to learn how to pleas him. for more information JW.ORG
2020-06-11 7:13 am
God sends these things as punishments for sin. If America deported all Democrats and Atheist religion members we wouldn't have these problems. 
2020-06-11 6:20 pm
That's why there are billions of us: spares.
2020-06-11 8:32 pm
Think?....maybe lil bit anti theological bias is showing, but an accurate tho not exhaustive description of a universe that is ONLY constrained by the laws of physics, 

I’m fine leaving it to our god believing brothers to add further constraints on the universe....on themselves, really. 

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