Do Republicans have any other debating points besides guns, abortion and Jesus?

2020-06-11 5:44 am

回答 (13)

2020-06-11 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
They don't even debate.  They just regurgitate what they hear on Fox and Trump's tweets.
2020-06-11 5:45 am
What do you have besides ban guns, abortion on demand, and atheism.
2020-06-11 5:46 am
What’s to debate?  It’s already settled that you hate two of those and love the other.  We know which they are and so do you. 
2020-06-11 5:45 am
Liberal cultists crying over flags and statuses, you were saying,....snowflake. LOL
2020-06-11 5:51 am
2020-06-11 5:45 am
Seems like you could use a couple more debating points
參考: this question
2020-06-11 5:45 am
nope, that should be enough to win with ...........................
TRUMP 2020 !!   ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-06-11 5:45 am
I am pro-choice, don't believe in Christianity, and don't own a gun, but support the 2nd Amendment since those people buy guns legally and need it to protect themselves from liberal clowns like you that block our highways. Unlike the thugs you stick up for. 
參考: Republican
2020-06-11 5:52 am
Yes, we're capable of offering reasoned arguments.  

We just wish your side was able to say something coherent and rational.
2020-06-11 5:49 am
The murder of George Floyd
Biased media who supports the Democratic Party
The responsibility of the Police Union for protecting bad cops.
Democrat organization of riots
Constant liberal hypocrisy
Etc Etc Etc

The real problem is people like you can't debate.
2020-06-11 6:03 am
Those are all qualifiers.
2020-06-22 7:15 am
They do

It’s boy here to satisfy you

Satisfy you with knowledge 

They have the president 
2020-06-11 6:46 am
Exposing Liberalism / Communism ....same thing.

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