If you are a white person , have you ever been stopped by police and did you cooperate?

2020-06-10 11:08 pm

回答 (16)

2020-06-12 10:28 am
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I am white and have been stopped twice in my life by police.  But I generally do not break the law or run around trying to cash phony cheques...and I will always cooperate with the police.. they have a job to do.
2020-06-10 11:22 pm
Yes, I am stopped regularly because of my license plates. I had USMC plates on. But got stopped around once a week by other veterans. I got tired of it and switched to Purple Heart plates. Now I only get stopped every few months. And FYI, I am armed at all times. I put my hands out the window and tell the cop right away. And no, I have NEVER received a summons.
2020-06-11 5:37 am
I was pulled over once, the police officers tried and failed to provoke an emotional response from me. The first question they asked me: "Did you steal this car?" I gave them my full cooperation and respect, despite them asking rude and artificially presumtuous questions.

As a result of me not acting like a gorilla, I did not get arrested.
2020-06-10 11:17 pm
Yes, always cooperative. I was also spanked as a child so I learned how to be respectful. This whole dfund the police is only going to make things worse. More and more people are going to be disrespectful and try to get away with things. Just cooperate and settle it in court, the judge will let you know if you are an idiot or not.
2020-06-12 6:41 am
Yes I have been stopped a few times in my life.  And, there was no reason not to cooperate.
2020-06-12 2:22 am
I've received tickets 3 times (I'm 74).  It never occurred to me NOT to cooperate.  I am also polite.
2020-06-12 5:36 am
Of course.
Not only that, my dad told me to make sure I had my hands on the steering wheel when the cop came to the window, when I was 18.
2020-06-10 11:13 pm
Yes. For speeding. I cooperated, even though I was being railroaded by the cop. This road construction site on the edge of town was abandoned for months. Everybody just ignored the lower speed limit there and drove at the normal speed. One time, the cop singled me out of the traffic, pulled me over, and gave me a $200 fine for speeding through a construction zone. I didn’t argue. I just took it and mailed in my fine the same day. That cop was an asshole. He doesn’t work there anymore. 
2020-06-12 10:32 pm
Yes and Yes, even when I was in the US
2020-06-10 11:21 pm
I used to be pulled over once a week when I was a teenager.  I blame it on my long hair.  There is discrimination on the basis of all sorts of things besides race.

I'd always get out of the car and lock it.  They'd always want to search the car, and I'd tell them that the keys are in my pocket but they will have to get them because I do not consent to a search.

They'd give me a ticket or warning for my muffler or something and go on their way. 
2020-06-12 9:55 pm
Black people are more primitive than Whites.
2020-06-10 11:11 pm
Yes and yes.  Being white, I felt pretty confident they wouldn't just kill me anyway.
2020-06-13 1:47 am
Yes and Yes. Always be polite and say Sir a lot. DO what he tells you and The officer will be just as polite and curteous.
2020-06-27 7:13 pm
Yes and yes...but isn't the quality of contact everything in situations like this. I wouldn't know how to act if I was black because unfortunately (if one isn't white) there has been a history of unpleasant interactions with the police which generates hostile attitudes. I know I will never be shot, stalked by people like Mr Chauvin - or macho security guards, even if I do what many of my kind do, like snatch children or burglarise homes. I was stopped (by the way) 47 years ago for a damaged rear light.
2020-06-17 1:19 am
Yes but unlike many minorities  I was never stopped without reason
And dont say it doesn't  happen, I've seen it to many times to believe that
2020-06-15 8:01 am
Yes and yes. What does "did you cooperate" have to do with anything?

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