Why do people say Jesus wasn't born on Dec. 25th when they don't know when he was born?

2020-06-10 8:43 am
If he wasn't born on Dec. 25th, then when was he born? How do you know he wasn't born then?

回答 (21)

2020-06-10 11:38 am
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How old was Jesus at his baptism? The Scriptures answer: “Jesus himself, when he commenced his work [right after being baptized], was about thirty years old.” (Luke 3:21-23) If we count back 30 years from Jesus’ baptism in 29 C.E. (and remember that there is no zero year between the B.C.E. and C.E. periods of reckoning), we find that he was born in 2 B.C.E. 
Lending support to this date is the prophecy of the “seventy weeks of years.” It indicates that the Messiah would be killed, thus ‘causing sacrifice and gift offering to cease’ as no longer required, in the middle of the 70th “week.” (Dan. 9:27; Rom. 6:14; Heb. 7:26-28) This means that Christ’s ministry was three and a half years long. It began at his baptism in 29 C.E. and ended with his death at Passover time in 33 C.E. (Luke 22:7-20) Counting back 33 1/2 years (the length of Jesus’ earthly life) also enables us to calculate the year of his birth as being 2 B.C.E.

 Jesus died at Passover time, which was about April 1, 33 C.E. (Matt. 26:17-30) Since Christ was about 30 years of age when commencing his work and his ministry was three and a half years long, he was 33 1/2 years old around Passover time, or about April 1, 33 C.E. Christ would have been 34 years of age six months later, or about October 1. Again counting back, we must conclude that Jesus was born, not on December 25, but about October 1, in the year 2 B.C.E.
參考: Watchtower magazine
2020-06-10 3:40 pm
2020-06-10 10:28 am
No one can know for sure what the actual date of his Birth was, but we can get an idea based on information in The Bible. Scripture makes it clear that Jesus was born around the time of the census of Quirinius.  

At the time of Jesus birth. The Roman Calendar was not perfectly aligned to the solar year so it’s entirely possible that he was actually born on December 25.  

My personal opinion is that December 25 was chosen as the date to celebrate the event (NOT the anniversary) as it may have aligned with the beginning or end of celebration of Hanukkah, according to the Jewish calendar at some point in history. 
2020-06-10 10:19 am
 (1.) Born Wednesday, August 21, 7B.C. Mary was 17; Joseph was 22.
 (2.) Returned from Egypt at age 2.5, after Herod died 4B.C.
 (3.) Bar-mizpah 13 years old 21August,7 A.D.
 (4.) Age 14.5, Father, Joseph died from fall while building young Herod's Capitol in Sepphorus.
 (5.) Baptized at noon Monday, January 14, 27A.D. age 32.
 (6.) Official Ministry started at age 33, 27 A.D.
 (7.) Died age 36.5, Friday, 7April30 A.D.
 (8.) Glorified body appeared Sunday, 9April30A.D.

Jesus(oldest); brothers: James, Joseph, Simon, Judas(jude), Amos died at a young age.
Sisters: Miriam, Martha, and Ruth.

Mary's sister, Salome, was mother of James and John zebedee, Jesus' 1st cousins.
2020-06-10 8:47 am
Dec 25th was the date set for the pagan winter solstice celebration, and was taken by Christianity as the birth of Jesus because they wanted a date that was already considered celebratory. That's all. And that's why educated people say that Jesus most likely wasn't born on that day. Clear now?
2020-06-10 11:55 pm
Jesus was born in the fall. Cause that's when the census took place. Remember joseph and Mary were traveling for the census. 

And besides that. The bad Christians moved Jesus birthday to the same day as the babalonian sun God so they could get more people to be Christians by combining christian ideas and pagan ideas.

Christmas is not a Christian holiday. It was a Romish folly. A lie which people believe unto this day sadly.

John 3:16-17 KJV
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 
2020-06-10 11:22 am
There is one chance in 365 that He was born on that date.
2020-06-10 9:04 am
The Bible doesnt identify the exact date but the general time.

Two main clues...

1. Jesus was born six months after John the Baptist.

2. John was born in April in the spring.

That makes late Sep/early Oct for Jesus.

He was born most likely on Sukkot/Tabernacles because he is the Tabernacle of God.

Revelation 21:3 KJV — And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Sukkot 2020 will begin in the evening of
Friday, October 2
and ends in the evening of
Friday, October 9
2020-06-10 10:22 am
The Bible does not tell us when Jesus was born. However, it does give us sound reason to conclude that his birth did not take place in December.

Consider the weather conditions at that time of the year in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. The Jewish month of Chislev corresponding to November/December was a month with cold and rainy weather. The month after that was December/January. It saw the lowest temperatures of the year, with occasional snows in the highlands.

Concerning weather conditions at that time of the year, the congregated people themselves said: “It is the rainy season. It is not possible to stand outside.” Ezra 10:9, 13 

No wonder shepherds living in that part of the world made sure that they and their flocks were no longer out of doors at night when December came around!

The Bible reports, that shepherds were in the fields tending their flocks on the night of Jesus’ birth. In fact, the Bible writer Luke shows that at that time, shepherds were living out of doors and keeping watch in the night over their flocks near Bethlehem.  Notice that the shepherds were actually living out of doors, not just strolling outside during the day. 

They had their flocks in the fields at night. Does that description of outdoor living fit the chilly and rainy weather conditions of Bethlehem in December?

 No, it does not. So the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth indicate that he was not born in December.

God’s Word tells us precisely when Jesus died, but it gives little direct indication as to when he was born.  “A good name is better than good oil, and the day of death is better than the day of birth.”  

It is not surprising, then, that the Bible provides many details about Jesus’ ministry and death but few details about the time of his birth.
2020-06-10 10:19 am
People didn't used to keep detailed birth records.  My grandfather in Greece knew only that he was born in October.
參考: Greek Orthodox Chistian

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