Chevy cavalier it is good ?

2020-06-09 7:33 pm


回答 (5)

2020-06-10 1:18 am
Low cost car. Probably abused and misused because owner had little spare income for maintenance. However it has lasted almost 20 years, so it could be one of the better ones.
2020-11-21 5:59 am
Depends on mileage and proper maintenance.
2020-06-16 1:02 am
You got to understand the market the car appealed most to back when it was in production. The cavalier was mostly driven by teenagers and young adults whom most had very little to no regard for proper maintenance of the vehicle, and therefore they ended up getting trashed and beat on. So many of the cavaliers that are still on the road today are in very poor condition needing constant maintenance and repairs, and so even if and when you pick one up for cheap, more than likely you will be constantly dumping money into repair costs to keep it running.
2020-06-10 12:40 am
Any car 19 years old should be judged on its own individual merits.
To last for 19 years it has had to have been good, but it has also had a lot of time to have been abused and mistreated.  The 2.4 engine is much better than the 2.2.  Mine was very,very good
2020-06-09 9:03 pm
They are on the small side, but are dependable and get great gas mileage!

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