how to sleep very early ?

2020-06-07 10:21 pm
I have to work at 4am


get up at 2:30 a.m ?

回答 (16)

2020-06-07 10:32 pm
Go to be early.  Every day.  Your body can adjust to a different sleep cycle but it likes regularity.  If you go back and forth between sleeping in on your days off and trying to get up early on the days you work you are going to struggle (and it's unhealthy too).  The best plan is to keep the same sleep schedule every day regardless if you work or not.
2020-06-08 7:12 am
You should make sure your room is dark and cool. Put on an AC unit if you have one, and make the room very dark with curtains, blinds or some other method. Humans rise when their eyes detect light and warmth--the cooler and darker you can make your room the better. You'll probably have trouble at first--but eventually you will get used to the hours. It's important not to use your cell phone or computer within an hour of wanting to go to sleep, too--screen time increases brain activity which makes it harder to get to sleep. 
2020-06-08 12:06 am
Melatonin. But most of all just do it and your body will adjust.
2020-06-11 2:58 am
make yousself tired by endless sex so you pass out
2020-06-08 9:23 pm
Give your self a few weeks to adjust to your new schedule and new bed time routine. Go to bed earlier and earlier each day, before you have to go to work. The next week, go to bed at a regular time and don't stray from it too much. Don't drink caffeinated drinks, don't have energy drinks, and don't eat a lot of sugary foods with in a few hours of going to bed. Also try not to use a computer or your phone before going to bed. Get your self some black out curtains / blinds and try to lower the temperature in your bedroom. If you have to drink coffee, cut your self off around 2-3 pm. 
2020-06-14 12:40 am
Turn on bright lights when you wake up to convince your body that it is daytime. Close the curtains to reduce light a few hours before you have to go to bed, and avoid using a bright computer/tv screen, to convince your body that it is nighttime.
2020-06-08 9:41 pm
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2020-06-08 10:35 am
In the old days we would take naps at work till the body adjusts. 
2020-06-08 6:27 am
If the job is hard enough you won't have any issues passing out when you get home from my experience. I used to start between 3 and 5 am. just close your blinds to make it dark and if you should be fine. 
2020-06-08 6:24 am
Don't drink caffeinated beverages after about 9 AM.  Find a way to make your room dark, cool, and quiet.  Go to bed at whatever time you need to go to bed, for example 7PM.  It may take several days to get your body used to the new routine.  Keep the routine even on your days off.

On average, we can adjust our internal clocks one hour every day.  That means that you probably won't fall asleep as early as you want to, but if you get up at 2:30, you'll be tired the next night and probably will sleep sooner.  Over a week's time, your body will get more and more used to your new schedule.

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