What can I do with this iPod I bought from A thrift store and it is locked. ?

2020-06-07 2:32 am

回答 (8)

2020-06-07 2:34 am
Congrats. You bought a stolen iPod.
2020-06-07 12:08 pm
Recycle it. 
Did you Not know it was locked Before you bought it? 
2020-06-07 1:40 pm
It is probably stolen goods. Return it for a refund.
2020-06-07 2:49 am
You can stop LYING. A thrift store would have confirmed it WAS NOT locked before selling it. A quick call to Apple would have confirmed that.
2020-06-11 7:03 pm
Factory reset and use it. You could also hack into it and copy all the songs, then factory reset.
2020-06-09 1:43 am
Well you lost 100 dolors 
參考: i ddid to
2020-06-08 3:33 pm
It may not be stolen. A person might have donated it without erasing the contents. But none-the-less, it's locked, and if you can't prove lawful ownership, you might as well recycle it for credit with Apple. The ipod is registered and unless you are the registrant, not a thing you can do with it.
2020-06-07 2:34 am
Take it to the cops and tell em "I got this from a terrorist". Theyll unlock it for you

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:53:07
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