What do you call the short barrier outside window?

2020-06-05 11:58 pm

回答 (4)

2020-06-06 12:58 am
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"window ledge" would be a small, slanted, shelf-like bottom to the outside of the window.
2020-06-06 6:24 am
I think that would still be called a ledge.  too small to be a balcony.
2020-06-05 11:59 pm
a ledge
2020-06-06 4:06 am
It does not look like a "barrier" ; it is not "barring" access to anything.  There is not enough information.

What is its relation to the window ?  Is it at floor level (with the apartment), or is it raised to the level of the window ?  Is there access to it from inside the apartment (does the window open to allow access ?).  Does it have a meaningful function (such as to allow the outside of the window to be cleaned ?).

As a stop-gap reference name for it, I would call it simply a "platform".

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