After the Trump bible/church photo op, it seems clear how religion is often used to manipulate believers. Agree or Disagree?

2020-06-05 11:57 pm

回答 (19)

2020-06-06 12:05 am
It's not manipulation. We all have the internet now, and ignorance is mostly a relic of a bygone era. Believers know exactly what they're doing.
Christians KNOW Trump was using the Bible to perform an act of sacrilegious vanity as a deliberate and full-throated insult against Christianity.
...and they support it, KNOWING full well that that's what it was.
2020-06-06 12:05 am
It could not be made more clear.  It's a textbook-worthy example.
Attacking peaceful protestors, then holding the Bible upside-down - if I read that in fiction I'd call it too "on-the-nose".

@The Taxpayer: Even Republicans know peaceful protestors were attacked.
2020-06-06 12:01 am
Agree.  Attacking peaceful protesters to clear a path for him to pretend that God is on his side is one of the most flagrant misuses of religious symbolism in recent memory.
2020-06-06 3:03 am
I've always agreed religion has been used to manipulate believers. 
And I'm a Christian. 
參考: When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
2020-06-06 12:19 am
Disagree.  At least he held one before.  How about Creepy Joe attending his first black funeral as a political prop?  Now there's a prop!  Biden, the man who referred to Obama as the "first black man to take a bath and talk right."  Remember, you aren't black if you don't vote for Biden.
2020-06-06 12:04 am
It goes the other way too. You have Joe Biden who is a practicing Catholic,  but he's all about late term abortions in order to get the ant-religious vote. He'll sell his own soul. That's worse than pretending you have a soul, no?
2020-06-06 10:19 pm
At the end, America  is  50% Rep and Dems. What matter is the market is up and good sign the govt could maneuver how to sustain the CV  and protesters' damage. 
2020-06-06 8:34 pm

The Christians burned the church and bibles in it, looted it and then criticized Trump for holding up a bible and showing what the Christians have done!!!!!!
2020-06-06 12:33 am
I think if we lived another thousand years, we probably wouldn't ever see someone on the telly sort of holding a bible quite like that,  just a few of the ways of heard it being described as were like asking people to make bids for the bible or trying to hit flies with it. 
well those two were the ones I remember most anyway.
2020-06-06 12:12 am
Agree. That's the whole point of religion. 
2020-06-06 12:11 am
Sure it is politics.

That was an attempt at potent combination of both, but he botched it.

He excels at botchery.

2020-06-06 12:18 am
It clear others should improve on Trump's display instead of demonizing Trump.
2020-06-06 12:11 am
2020-06-07 12:10 pm
Oh Yeah! What a Photo Op. Such a wonderful man!  Only God will judge. 
2020-06-06 12:12 am
I know when you point out any politician the don't like is a Christian, at least some of them believe that politician only says they're Christian to get votes. But I think they still believe only the people they don't like are using the religion to manipulate people. Everyone tends to be slower to recognize when their own team is also manipulating them.
2020-06-06 12:10 am
Wait until he wants a a Big Mac and large fries and see what happens.
2020-06-06 12:08 am
Nothing new.  Presidents have quoted scripture.  LBJ quoted from Isaiah 1, "Come now let us reason together".
2020-06-06 12:47 am
Why is it when Trump takes his Bible across to St John's, it creates an uproar? Nobody even mentioned that Antifa tried to burn the church down the night before! When Bill Clinton took his Bible across to St John's when he was in office, everyone thought it was an honorable act and he became the darling of faith among Democrats.  
2020-06-06 12:59 am
Agree because the purpose was to get believers to have faith, just as the president does.

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