Military and Religious leaders are condemning Trump Fascist stunt (tear-gassing civilians & the bible photo-op). Is this why he's so angry?

2020-06-05 2:39 am

Military leaders condemn Trump over protest response Stephen Collinson Profile


Religious leaders condemn teargassing protesters to clear street for Trump

回答 (6)

2020-06-05 3:33 am
Something to talk about. Regardless of what Trump does or doesn't do, someone will not be happy. The media, the left, the people who never liked Trump. All pounce on these things and get their 15 minutes of fame. In a week or two, all will be forgotten and we will be on to the next talking point. If people do not want to be gassed, then they should do as they are told and move. It really is that simple.
2020-06-05 2:43 am
according to the verified info i heard tear gas was 'not' used and the protestors were asked several times to move, and then got violent .. so .. they got whatthey begged for a 'big stick' to make them move lol ...
2020-06-05 2:47 am
Troll fail.                      
2020-06-05 2:45 pm
Well, this is "fascist" only indirectly.  Franco in Spain & Peron in Argentina did use armed troops against protesters.  However, neither Mussolini, who invented the Fascist political philosophy, or Hitler, it's major adapter, ever did.  "Stalin" never did either.  However, it's the typical tack of the tin-pot dictator.
2020-06-05 10:32 am

1) Wash your mouth with salt solution 3-5 times a day .

2) Take 5-10 ml of any strong drinking alcohols ( 37-40%) and hold in your mouth. Then slowly take a deep breath by the mouth and hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, then slowly breathe out through your nose . Repeat 5-7 breathing treatments , then swallow the alcohol to kill the Covid-19 in the throat as well as in stomach . The alcohol can be absorb in the blood stream to destroy viruses further if there is any . The alcohol vapour will destroy any viruses in the lungs, mouth , nose , throat , stomach and blood stream lead to cure . Do this 2-7 times a day including night times and depend on severity of the infection .

By: Chi-Dung Duong ( Je-sus Christ )

P/S : Please share this cure out fast to save your country & the world and also to prevent it escalate into nuclear war . GOD BLESS .
2020-06-05 2:52 am
Sounds like there are a lot of uninformed people who have been misled.

First, calling it fascist because that suits your TDS biases doesn't make it so, even if all you claimed were true (it isn't).

According to the officials in charge, after telling the crowd to disperse 3 times, the park police were pelted with objects.  At which time they employed smoke and pepper balls to disperse the non-peaceful crowd.

I've seen some of you claim to have proof that tear gas was used on peaceful protesters, but somehow there is a huge lack of evidence to support that.  Since almost everything else has been widely captured on video, why wasn't that?  Was it because the video didn't match the narrative?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:39:07
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