Why does nobody consider the possibility that the “average Black IQ” plays a central role in why they succeed less than other races?

2020-06-04 3:38 pm
First, here’s a 30 year study on race and cognitive ability. It’s scientifically sound and followed all of the proper methodologies for getting an accurate study, done over tens of thousands of people over 30 years. 

This study proves that: Average black IQ is 86, average white IQ is 100, average asian IQ is 103 and average Jewish IQ is 114. 

^ This goes hand-in-hand with violent crime rates, police shootings, and income; Asians and Jews earn more money than whites, get shot by police less per capita, and go to jail less per capita. Blacks do the worst in terms of earning poor incomes, failing out of school, committing crimes, and being shot by police, all most often per capita. 


I’ve noticed a lot of debates tend to completely ignore this elephant in the room, and instead go like this: 

LIBERAL- “Blacks are systematically oppressed. the system needs to change. Black lives matter!”

CONSERVATIVE- “How are blacks oppressed though? Whites are shot by police more. There’s good and bad officers. We have completely equal laws on the books.”

LIBERAL- “but blacks are shot by police more often *per capita*! The USA is 76% white!”

CONSERVATIVE- “Well, blacks grow up in single mother households, they earn less money and they commit more crimes, so they encounter police more, which is why police are more likely to shoot them.”

LIBERAL- “but why are blacks committing more crimes? It MUST be due to unfair policing practices of minority communities!”

Here’s the study: https://www1.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/30years/Rushton-Jensen30years.pdf


Anyway, liberals and conservatives can go back and forth like that for hours. Conservatives, afraid to be offensive, never mention race and instead try hard to explain its due to social factors, lower income, family values etc. And to an extent, this is true- but what causes blacks to have lower family values, to be more wasteful with their money, to not invest smartly, to commit more crimes?


Isn’t it about time that we at least consider the possibility that black people are simply less Biologically intelligent, which explains why they earn less than other races, commit more crimes, don’t save their money well, continually make poor decisions, commit more violent acts and resist arrest more often? 


Before, it was acceptable to just ignore this question. Blacks knew their place in society, other races accepted them there and it was fine. However now blacks are getting increasingly agitated and violent about not being as successful as whites (they completely ignore that Asians, Indians and Jews are even more successful than whites are). Now blacks are burning entire city blocks, killing people, all bcuz they’re mad about not being successful as whites yet. Isn’t it about time we told them?

回答 (3)

2020-06-04 3:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We give them every opportunity and leg up, but they squander it. They tell themselves how oppressed they are to give them a reason to be absolutely worthless. The ACLU wants to give blacks government money free while everyone else slaves away to pay taxes for it. 
2020-06-04 3:45 pm
Because the Anti White morality dictates that Black dysfunction is due to incessant White Racism, and that explains everything, all the time.
2020-06-04 5:34 pm
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and the average IQ of the people pushing this load of 🦄💩 is 4

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