deserve a pint  是什麼意思?

2020-06-04 3:30 pm

回答 (5)

2020-06-04 3:41 pm
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A pint is a phrase commonly referring a cup of beer (a pint is a measuring unit).

Deserving a pint = Deserve a cup of beer.
2020-06-05 5:09 pm
A drink of beer of this amount=equal to half a QUART
=eg:-I have been working all day,; I deserve a pint to enjoy.It's about right for a good time.
2020-06-11 6:03 pm
2020-06-05 7:51 pm
deserve a pint  值得一品脫
'' pint ''為品脫,它是用來計算容量的單位。

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