I am leaving America because I am tired of all this race crap stirred up by George Soros. What’s a good country to move to?

2020-06-04 3:32 am

回答 (276)

2020-06-07 5:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just vote for someone who is against immigration. We can fix the race issue by stopping the horde of immigrants trying to get in.
2020-06-05 1:08 am
Hope you find one. You leaving the US will improve it.
2020-06-04 8:33 pm
here are 6 boxes of tissue for that long overdue whine you have lol
2020-06-04 5:50 am
North Korea has no race riots cause they're 1 pure race.
2020-06-05 12:22 am
If they start defunding the police, I might follow. 
2020-06-04 9:00 am
Since you are a low-IQ anti-Semite, you might want to consider Hungary, Austria, or Poland; where antisemitism is still alive and well.

PS:  What is this nonsense about Soros?  He was not involved in US illegal immigration.
2020-06-05 4:01 am
I enjoyed being in South Korea
2020-06-05 9:28 am
US is still the best place on earth where it all happens.
Buffett , Bezo , Trump are all successful because the US had the environment that allows it to do so. 
2020-06-06 5:19 am
Canada or Mexico?
2020-06-06 5:48 am
You should get together with that realtor troll and ask if he can find you a house to rent on Venus. I hear the weather is a bit stormy, but you should be able to cope. 
2020-06-06 5:58 pm
Which country will you go too

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