if you can be forced to stay at home 2 weeks because you 'might' have a virus why can't people with AIDS be locked up the same way?

2020-06-03 8:54 pm

回答 (10)

2020-06-03 9:18 pm
They do not spread it by being in public.
2020-06-04 6:34 am
2020-06-03 8:56 pm
Because you don’t catch AIDS from simply breathing the same air as someone who has it.
2020-06-03 9:17 pm
Stupid ignoramus........😩
2020-06-04 2:37 am
Because HIV is sexually transmitted.
2020-06-04 12:02 am
Are u a troll or just plan stupid?
Ur giving all the "Larry's" in the world a bad name.
2020-06-04 8:24 pm
Because people who have AIDS do not transmit the disease via airborne particles or droplets. 
2020-06-04 11:40 pm
It's not that often that you 'meet' someone on here that's as stupid as YOU, Larry.
2020-07-13 10:16 am
HIV isn't airborne
2020-06-09 9:06 pm
AIDS doesn't go away in weeks. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:43:45
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