How much are the Heartland institute paying Clown Crusher to post misleading nonsense and outright lies?

2020-06-03 2:32 pm

回答 (8)

2020-06-03 3:08 pm
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Whatever it is, they need to ask for their money back.

He's making them look stupid.
2020-06-03 10:23 pm
Dirac, You are funny!  Thanks for the compliment!

No pay for me, but you better talks with your boss and hire me.  You dopes aren't doing to good!
2020-06-03 7:10 pm
I see you are still stuck on Obama's "the science is settled speech" from 2012. This is  typical alarmist close mind sickness.

Believe or not climate science has advanced and some of the more important advances can be seen in this video, which debunks the greenhouse theory hunch and vindicates CO2 as a climate forcing mechanism.
2020-06-03 8:44 pm
Bet he knocked down the twin towers too, huh?

Hey he probably knows who killed Kennedy!
2020-06-04 12:23 am
Oil companies are not dumb enough to pay anyone to post where there's a dozen people.  They have accountability and better things to do.

OTOH, I could see some enviro flake group wildly spending someone's money if they got a grant and were told to get the word out about their mission.  Leftists tend not to be very smart with marketing or getting the best bang for the buck.  That's why they love government.
2020-06-05 12:57 am
He who shouts the loudest is guilty of what he shouts.
2020-06-04 5:13 am
14 giant cola bottles up front, with 1 tub of gummy bears, and 1 packet of sour gummy worms on completion of the task.
2020-06-04 4:12 am
My guess is nothing. I think there are two possibilities for this troll (1) he is an emotionally stunted, obsessive compulsive person with a lot of time on his hands, possibly because he doesn't hold a job or just a low-paying part-time job, or (2) he is a Russian troll and is paid by them to spread false information and stir up the right wing extremists.

It's kind of a tip-off that to my knowledge he has NEVER shared any personal information (except for fake information when he acting as one of his sock puppets, like Hannah Texarkana or Army Guy Albany). Most legitimate people share at least SOME information about themselves--we know that JimZ works as a geological engineer, graphicconception used to be an (electrical?) engineer, Elizabeth is a nurse, etc. So the troll probably either has no job at all, or has a job that he doesn't want people to know about, like being a Russian troll.

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