Which city did world leaders meet in to discuss how to fix global climate change?

2020-06-03 7:56 am

回答 (9)

2020-06-03 8:17 am
Sodom and Gomorrah
2020-06-03 9:08 pm
You can be sure it wasn't Fargo, ND.  
2020-06-03 11:06 pm
LMAO at Georgie's sock puppets!
2020-06-03 7:11 pm
This year's conference has been postponed because there is nothing to discuss, the Earth is entering into a cooling cycle.
2020-06-05 8:28 pm
Various cities....typically those having high-end hotel/resort accommodations and fine dining.  The types of places that most of us can only dream of visiting.
2020-06-04 5:18 pm
Why do they travel thousands of miles to meet? Can they not see the irony? What’s wrong with video conferencing? It would set a good example, and make more people receptive to what they are saying.
2020-06-03 8:57 am
Not just one city; it's an ongoing process. There were agreements drawn up in Kyoto and Paris.
2020-06-03 9:38 am
It's a different city each time they meet.
2020-06-06 10:08 am
Are you talking about the Paris accord?

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