why is trump too weak to end the riots?

2020-06-02 8:29 pm

回答 (100)

2020-06-03 8:00 pm
Ending riots in the cities is NOT the President's job, sparky.  How would you like him to end them?  Maybe call out the Army and take over the cities?  You'd love to cry about martial law, wouldn't you?  That's what it would be.  Suspension of civil rights, curfews with violators being shot on sight, looters shot on sight.  Of course, that would just give you and your sorry, crying ilk something else to cry about rather than actually trying to come up with a solution.
2020-06-04 8:27 pm
It's up to the state's Governor to call up the National guard, not Trump.  Trump only has jurisdiction in the District of Columbia. You should really go back to school and redo your government and economics class.
2020-06-03 4:26 am
Trump is responsible for the worst racial crisis in decades because he is racist. "Law & Order." How did he never grow out of the 60's? That's POTUS.
2020-06-04 2:54 pm
He would but his bunker needs inspections. We all know he is a certified bunker inspector.
2020-06-03 4:53 pm
He’s a Russian stooge. He wants to tear our country apart because that’s what Russia wants. He works for them
2020-06-04 4:45 pm
Liberals too irresponsible to stop rioting like barbarians so they shift the blame on trump...
2020-06-04 5:43 am
That’s not his job.  
2020-06-04 2:38 pm
Your question really isn't a question, it is just your weak assumption based on the meaningless pejoratives used by some person who think as a few who answered your question, answers that are totally unacceptable by intelligent persons.   
2020-06-06 1:42 pm
2020-06-04 5:02 pm
Riots why are thier Riots who is participating in riots BLACKS who is paying the bail for the Black s when they Damage The property of Americans Joe Biden and by the way what is yourr address I will pay for a bus load of the Black s that are in the riots to wuopr home to spread the Cornavirus NOW POTUS Trump what is the address he will send the Natioanl Gard not to protect you but to photo your house being burned

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:37:34
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