Hallucination or real?

2020-06-02 6:35 pm
I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I saw an absolutely massive spider. I immediately backed out of the bathroom to get the bug spray, and it didn't take long for me to get it, but when I got back I couldn't find the spider. The absolutely massive spider. A spider that big can't hide easily. It's body wasn't huge, but it's legs made it bigger than a baseball. Small (baby) plate sized. I've never seen a spider that big in person, but now that I can't find it I wonder if it was a hallucination. I've seen spiders that were't there before. Admittedly never that big, never whitish, and I was usually half asleep, but I have seen spiders that weren't actually there before. Do you think it was real or just in my head? Regardless, I'm glad that bathroom is a death field for insects. It's filled with bug poison. If the spider's real, it's going to die. :\

回答 (5)

2020-06-03 11:30 am
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Hard to say, usually those sorts are quick to vanish. Where I lived, spiders near as big as my hand were common, look up huntsman or fishing spiders.
Harmless though, I don't kill them. They eat the huge cockroaches I had around.
A male huntsman lived in my room a couple months, I named him Zeus.
Never bothered anyone, just appears on the wall in evenings.
2020-06-03 6:06 am
It's surprising how quickly spiders can move and hide when they know you're getting the spray.
2020-06-03 12:31 am
What kind of bug poison?  Some bug poisons can accumulate slowly in a person's body and cause cancer many years later.  I suggest that you back off on the poisons.
2020-06-09 1:35 am
Don't forget that spiders can walk on the underside of objects, upside down. It could have been on the underside of the sink.
2020-06-03 7:43 am
A spider cadaver in a few days will tell the tale .

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:52:06
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